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单词 heart
heart/hɑ:t, AmE hɑ:rt/ n

(1) 1)心脏(organ which pumps blood through the body)[C]:hear/feel sb's~beating slowly听见/感到某人的心脏跳得很慢;cut up a sheep's~in the biology class 在生物学课上切开一只羊的心脏;The boy's~gave a jump/stood still.(fig) 这个男孩子的心猛跳了一下/惊呆了。a weak~很弱的心脏;His~was weak. 他的心脏很弱。have/suffer from/die of~trouble/disease/failure 有心脏病/患心脏疾患/死于心衰;have a~attack 心脏病发作;a~hospital/specialist 心脏病医院/专家;human~transplant人体心脏移植;listen to sb's~beat 听心跳;touch sb's~-strings 打动某人的心弦; 2)心区(口)(part nearest the heart of a person)[C]:clasp sb to/hold sb to/press sb's hand against one's~把某人紧紧抱到胸前/搂到胸前/的手按在自己的心口上;
 (2)内(爱)心,心地(肠)(part of the body where a person's emotions (esp love),feelingsconscienceetc are imagined to arise)[C]:have a cold/soft/good/kind/warm~冷酷的心/心肠软/心眼儿好/心地善良/热心肠;have no~at all for others 对别人根本没有爱心;win sb's~(s) 赢得某人的同情心;feel sick at~内心感到厌恶;capture the~s of the nation 赢得全国人民的拥戴;die of a broken~心碎而死;know all the secrets of sb's~知道某人内心深处的全部秘密;My~bled for the starving children. 我的心为挨饿的孩子们淌血(难过)。My~was heavy. 我的心很沉重。
 (3)勇气,热情(courage and enthusiasm)[U]:have no~to argue with sb 不想与某人争论;put more~into one's singing 唱得再多一些激情;〖同〗courage,enthusiasm;
 (4) 1)中(核)心,要点(central part (of a placethe vital or essential part) [C] :march/go deep into the~of San Francisco/the forest 行进到旧金山市中心/深入到森林中心;stand/live/be in the (very) ~of the city/the town(就)矗立/住在/在城市/城镇中心;in the~of the jungle 在丛林中心;get straight to the~of the matter 直接接触到事情的核心;strike at the~of the capitalist system 触及资本主义制度的要害;the~of British freedom/the plan 英国自由/这计划的核心;〖同〗core,centre; 2)菜心(the firm middle part of some leafy vegetable)[C]:use the~of the lettuce in the salad 用生菜心做沙拉;a lettuce with a good solid~菜心很实的莴苣;
 (5) 1)心形的东西(symbol supposed to represent the shape of the heart)[C]:cut our paper~s 用纸剪出心的形状;wear a diamond~戴着一个心形钻石项链坠;a Valentine/birthday card with a~on it 上面有一个心形的情人节贺卡/生日贺卡;a white cardigan with little pink~s on it 上面有许多小的粉红色心形图案的白色羊毛衫;~-shaped 心形的; 2)(纸牌)红桃(one of a set of playing cards with one or more solid red shapes drawn on it that look like this)[pl](接sing/pl动词):the five/the ace/the king/the queen of~s 红桃5/A/K/Q;H~s are trumps. 红桃是主牌; 3)一张红桃 (playing-card of this sort)[C]:have only one~left in one's hand 手中只剩一张红桃;play a~打出一张红桃;
 (6)(表示亲爱的称呼)宝贝儿(dearly loved personusu used as a term of address)[C]:dear/dearest/sweet~亲爱的/最亲爱的/亲密的宝贝儿;
 after sb's own heart 适合某人心意的,让某人高兴的:a man/girl/house after sb's own~适合某人心意的人/女孩/房子;
 at heart 1)实际上,本质上,基本上:He's a ruthless businessman at~. 他实际上是个无情的商人。feel sad/sick at~实际上感到悲伤/不舒服; 2)在心中,关心,想到:have welfare of the poor/sb's health at~为穷人的福利/某人健康着想;
 break sb's/one's heart 使……伤心(心碎):It nearly broke my~to see the way the town had been destroyed. 看到这个城镇被破坏的样子我几乎心碎。
 by heart 记忆:learn/know a poem by~记住/能背出一首诗;
 do sb's heart good 使某人高兴:It does my~good to see you again. 又见到你我很高兴。
 from the (bottom of one's) heart 衷心地,诚心诚意地:thank sb from the bottom of one's~for all sb's help 衷心感谢某人所有的帮助;
 have sth at heart 对某事甚为关心:have the interest of the workers at~对工人的利益甚为关心;
 have a heart 有同情心,发慈悲:Have a~,and lend me two dollars. 发发慈悲,借我两美元。
 have the heart (to do sth) 忍心(做)(与can/could连用,用于否定句和疑问句中):not have the~to tell sb the bad news 不忍心告诉某人这个坏消息;
 have one's heart in one's mouth 非常惊恐,提心吊胆:My~was in my mouth as I went into the haunted house. 我提心吊胆地走进那座闹鬼的房子。
 heart and soul 1)全心全意(地):devote one's~and soul to one's work 全心全意地工作;John plays tennis badly,but with~and soul.约翰网球打得很糟,但确是全身心投入。2)完全地:be~and soul with sb in the affair 在这件事上完全站在某人一边;
 one's heart bleeds for the... 为……感到遗憾(常为反义):My~bleeds for the poor guy.我真为这个可怜的家伙感到遗憾。
 one's heart goes out to sb 同情,怜悯:His~goes out to the poor children playing in the slum street. 他同情在贫民窟街道上玩耍的穷孩子们。
 a heart of gold 心地善良:Her appearance is homely,but she has a~of gold. 她相貌平平,却心地善良。
 a heart of stone 铁石心肠:She doesn't know the meaning of pity,she has a~of stone. 她铁石心肠,不懂什么叫怜悯。
 one's heart is in sth 对……非常热心:My~was just not in the job I had to do. 我对我不得不做的工作并不热心。
 one's heart sinks 感到失望:The soldiers'~s sank when they saw that they were surrounded by Indians.士兵们看到他们被印第安人包围了,感到大失所望。
 in one's heart (of hearts) 在内心深处:He knew in his~that he was doing the wrong thing. 他内心深处知道自己在做错事。
 set one's heart on (having/doing) sth 渴望得到(某物或做某事):His whole~is set on being a medical biologist. 他一心一意想成为一名医学生物学家。
 take heart (at sth) 得到鼓舞,增加勇气:I took~from the fact that I was not the slowest. 我干得并非最慢,这使我增加了勇气。
 take sth to heart 因某事烦恼:take sb's little joke greatly to~对某人的小小玩笑很恼火;
 to one's heart's content 心满意足,尽情:During the summer,she can play in the garden to her~'s content. 在夏季,她可尽情地在花园玩耍。
 with all one's heart/one's whole heart 完全(真诚)地:hope with all one's~that sb will be happy 真诚地希望某人幸福;
 →-hearted adj(构成合成形容词)有……心情(天性)的;′heartless adj 无情(残酷)的;′heartlessly adv 无情(残酷)地;′heartlessness n 无情(残酷);′heartache n 痛(伤)心;heartbeat n 心搏(跳);′heart-break n 极度的不幸;heart-breaking,heart-broken adj (指人)极度伤心的;′heartburn n胃灼伤,烧心;heartfelt adj 衷心(至诚)的;heartland n 心脏(中心)地带;′heart-rending adj 使伤心(断肠)的;′heart-searching n 内心的反省;′heart-strings n心弦,深情;′heart-throb n 心上人;͵heart-to-′heart n 谈心;′heart-warming adj 暖心房的





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