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单词 传染病

传染病chuán rǎn bìnɡInfectious Diseases

阿米巴病 [ā mǐ bā bìnɡ] amebiasis
阿米巴性痢疾 [ā mǐ bā xìnɡ lì ji] amebic dysentery
巴西莱什曼病 [bā xī lái shí màn bìnɡ] Brazilian leishmaniasis
白喉 [bái hóu] diphtheria
百日咳 [bǎi rì ké] whooping cough; pertussis
斑疹伤寒 [bān zhěn shānɡ hán] typhus
鞭虫感染 [biān chónɡ ɡǎn rǎn] whipworm infection
变白菌属病 [biàn bái jūn shǔ bìnɡ] candidiasis; candida albicans infection
变白菌属病系 [biàn bái jūn shǔ bìnɡ xì] systemic candidiasis
变形虫病 [biàn xínɡ chónɡ bìnɡ] amebiasis
肠吸虫感染 [chánɡ xī chónɡ ɡǎn rǎn] intestinal fluke infection
肠蛭感染 [chánɡ zhì ɡǎn rǎn] intestinal fluke infection
赤痢 [chì lì] dysentery
传染病 [chuán rǎn bìnɡ] infectious and parasitic disorder
德国麻疹 [dé ɡuó má zhěn] German measles; rubella
登革热 [dēnɡ ɡé rè] dengue (fever) (a tropical disease)
地方病 [dì fānɡ bìnɡ] endemic disease
东方疮 [dōnɡ fānɡ chuānɡ] oriental boil/sore
东方疖 [dōnɡ fānɡ jiē] oriental boil; oriental sore
鹅口疮 [é kǒu chuānɡ] thrush; oral candidiatis
发癣 [fā xuǎn] scalp ringworm
放线菌病 [fànɡ xiàn jūn bìnɡ] lumpy jaw; actinomycosis
非洲睡眠病 [fēi zhōu shuì mián bìnɡ] African sleeping sickness
肺吸虫感染 [fèi xī chónɡ ɡǎn rǎn] lung fluke infection
副伤寒 [fù shānɡ hán] paratyphoid
肝吸虫感染 [ɡān xī chónɡ ɡǎn rǎn] liver fluke infection
感冒 [ɡǎn mào] common cold
钩虫病 [ɡōu chónɡ bìnɡ] hookworm disease; ancylostomiasis
股(圆)癣 [ɡǔ (yuán) xuǎn] tinea cruris; jock itch
黑死病 [hēi sǐ bìnɡ] plague
红眼 [hǒnɡ yǎn] pinkeye; acute conjunctivitis
黄热病 [huánɡ rè bìnɡ] yellow fever
蛔虫病 [huí chónɡ bìnɡ] ascariasis
蛔虫属感染 [huí chónɡ shǔ ɡǎn rǎn] roundworm infection
回归热 [huí ɡuī rè] relapsing fever
霍乱 [huò luàn] cholera
急性脑膜炎 [jí xìnɡ nǎo mó yán] acute cerebral meningitis
寄生虫病 [jì shēnɡ chónɡ bìnɡ] parasite disease
继发性肺炎 [jì fā xìnɡ fèi yán] secondary pneumonia
酵母菌感染 [jiào mǔ jūn ɡǎn rǎn] yeast infection
疥癣 [jiè xuǎn] scabies; the itch
狂犬病 [kuánɡ quǎn bìnɡ] rabies
流行病 [liú xínɡ bìnɡ] epidemic disease
流行性感冒 [liú xínɡ xìnɡ ɡǎn mào] influenza; flu
滤毒性肺炎 [lǜ dú xìnɡ fèi yán] virus pneumonia
麻风病 [má fēnɡ bìnɡ] leprosy
霉菌性肺炎 [méi jūn xìnɡ fèi yán] fungal pneumonia
美洲莱什曼病 [měi zhōu lái shí màn bìnɡ] American leishmaniasis
囊球菌病 [nánɡ qiú jūn bìnɡ] cryptococcosis
蛲虫属感染 [náo chónɡ shǔ ɡǎn rǎn] threadworm/pinworm infection
脑白体病 [nǎo bái tǐ bìnɡ] candidiasis; candida albicans infection
脑膜炎 [nǎo mó yán] cerebral meningitis
脑膜炎双球菌 [nǎo mó yán shuānɡ qiú jūn] Neisseria meningitis; meningococcus
念珠菌属病系 [niàn zhū jūn shǔ bìnɡ xì] systemic candidiasis
牛肉绦虫感染 [niú ròu tāo chónɡ ɡǎn rǎn] beef tapeworm infection
疟疾 [nüè jí] malaria
皮肤莱什曼病 [pí fū lái shí màn bìnɡ] cutaneous/dermal leishmaniasis
皮癣菌病 [pí xuǎn jūn bìnɡ] tinea; ringworm; dermatomycosis
破伤风 [pò shānɡ fēnɡ] tetanus
普通感冒 [pǔ tōnɡ ɡǎn mào] common cold
钱癣 [qián xuǎn] tinea; ringworm; dermatomycosis
曲菌病 [qū jūn bìnɡ] aspergillosis
山谷热 [shān ɡǔ rè] valley fever
伤寒 [shānɡ hán] typhoid
鼠咬热 [shǔ yǎo rè] rat-bite fever; [Japan] sodoku
绦虫感染 [tāo chónɡ ɡǎn rǎn] tapeworm infection
天花 [tiān huā] smallpox
头虱症 [tóu shī zhènɡ] head lice
头癣 [tóu xuǎn] scalp ringworm
瘟疫 [wēn yì] plague
洗衣癣 [xǐ yī xuǎn] tinea cruris; jock itch
细菌性痢疾 [xì jūn xìnɡ lì ji] bacterial dysentery
线虫感染 [xiàn chónɡ ɡǎn rǎn] roundworm infection
香港脚 [xiānɡ ɡǎnɡ jiǎo] athlete’s foot; ringworm of the feet
猩红热 [xīnɡ hónɡ rè] scarlatina; scarlet fever
续发性肺炎 [xù fā xìnɡ fèi yán] secondary pneumonia
旋毛虫病 [xuán máo chónɡ bìnɡ] trichinosis
癣 [xuǎn] tinea; ringworm; dermatomycosis
血吸虫病 [xuè xī chónɡ bìnɡ] blood fluke infection; schistosomiasis
阴虱病 [yīn shī bìnɡ] pubic lice
鹦鹉热 [yīnɡ wǔ rè] psittacosis; parrot fever
幼儿腹泻 [yòu ér fù xiè] infantile diarrhea
鱼肉绦虫感染 [yú ròu tāo chónɡ ɡǎn rǎn] fish tapeworm infection
藻菌病 [zǎo jūn bìnɡ] phycomycosis
战壕口病 [zhàn háo kǒu bìnɡ] trench mouth
猪肉绦虫感染 [zhū ròu tāo chónɡ ɡǎn rǎn] pork tapeworm infection
足癣 [zú xuǎn] athlete’s foot; ringworm of the feet
组织浆菌病 [zǔ zhī jiānɡ jūn bìnɡ] histoplasmosis


infectious disease


communicable disease; infectious disease;zymosis





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