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单词 以邻为壑

以邻为壑yǐ lín wéi huò

use one’s neighbour’s field as a drain—shift one’s troubles onto others; dump rubbish in the neighbour’s yard; play beggar-my neigbour; seek one’s own interests at the expense of others
❍ 子过矣。禹之治水,水之道也。是故禹以四海为壑;今吾子以邻国为壑。(《孟子·告子下》) You are wrong,sir. Yu’s regulation of the water was according to the law of water. He therefore made the four seas their receptacle,while you make the neighbouring states their receptacle.
❍ 谁要是对别人的困难不管,别人要调他所属的干部不给,或以坏的送人,“~”,全不为别部、别地、别人想一想,这样的人就叫做本位主义者,这就是完全失掉了共产主义的精神。(《毛泽东选集》782)Whoever is indifferent to the difficulties of others,refuses to transfer cadres to other units on request,or releases only the inferior ones,“using the neighbour’s field as an outlet for his overflow”,and does not give the slightest consideration to other departments,localities or people—such a person is a selfish departmentalist who has entirely lost the spirit of communism.

以邻为壑yi lin wei he

use one’s neighbour’s field as a drain—shift one’s troubles onto others


use the neighbor’s field as a drain (or an outlet for one’s overflow)—shift one’s troubles onto others;benefit oneself at the expense of others

以邻为壑yǐ lín wéi hè

壑:沟。把邻国当成大水坑和排水沟,把本国的洪水排泄到那里。比喻把灾祸、困难转嫁给别人。shift one’s troubles onto others, do harm to a neighbour





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