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单词 仁义道德

仁义道德rén yì dào dé

benevolence,righ teousness and morality; humanity,justice and virtue;kindness and magnanimity
❍ 你满肚子的天地良心,~,你只想凭着老实安分,养活你的妻儿老小,可是你连自己一个老婆都养不住。(《曹禺选集·日出》201) You keep belly-aching about conscience and altruism and morality and expect to be able to keep a wife and family on honesty and humility; why,if you can’t even provide for a wife,…/我翻开历史一查,这历史没有年代,歪歪斜斜的每页上都写着“~”几个字。(鲁迅《呐喊·狂人日记》10) I tried to look this up,but my history has no chronology and scrawled all over each page are the words:“Confucian Virtue and Mora lity”./我们不是宋襄公,不要那种蠢猪式的~。(《毛泽东选集》460) We are not Duke Xiang of Song and have no use for his asinine ethics.
❍ 他尽管满篇满口的~,然而实际上却是彻头彻尾的男盗女娼。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》15) …and though they wrote and spoke abundantly of justice and morality,in fact they were out and out scoundrels.

仁义道德ren yi dao de

humanity,justice and virtue


(韩愈《原道》) humanity,justice and virtue; virtue and morality; benevolence and virtue (On the Origin of the Way,by Han Yu)
满口~,一肚子男盗女娼。He has virtue and morality on his lips but lust and cupidity in his heart.

仁义道德rén yì dào dé

指儒家所宣传的仁爱正义的道德标准。virtue and morality; humanity, justice and virtue, kindness and magnanimity





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