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单词 习以为常

习以为常xí yǐ wéi cháng

be all in a day’s work;be (/become/get) used to (/accustomed to/familiar with) sth; fall (/get) into the habit
❍ 周总理在行进的汽车上吃饭,成了~的事情。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》 Ⅰ—97) It was not uncommon for the Premier to have a snack in his car instead of a regular meal.
❍ 军队生活我已经~了,到旁的岗位上去嘛?一下子则会不习惯。(刘白羽《火光在前》95) I’m used to the life in the army now. I’ll probably have trouble getting accustomed to a new job.
❍ 一连三天,都是这样。吃着蒸得喷香的热饭和热菜,他感到舒服,并且~了。(周立波《山乡巨变》295) But the same thing happened three days running. He felt very comfortable eating such delicious hot meals,and soon got accustomed to it.


be accustomed (or used) to;be in (or get into)the habit of

习以为常xí yǐ wéi chánɡ

习惯后,就当作平常的事了。be accustomed to sth., get used to, habitual





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