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❶ (温习; 练习) practise; exercise; review: 复 ~ review (one's lessons); 自 ~ study by oneself; 学而时 ~ 之 learn and constantly review what one has learned
❷ (对某事物常常接触而熟悉) get accustomed to; be used to; become familiar with: 不 ~ 水性 be not good at swimming; ~ 水性 a good swimmer; ~ 闻 often hear Ⅱ ❶ (习惯) habit; custom; usual practice: 恶 ~ bad [pernicious] habit; 积 ~ old habit; longstanding practice; 陋 ~ bad custom
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 凿齿 Xi Zuochi
◆习非成是 accept what is wrong as right when one grows accustomed to it; Through practice the erroneous becomes correct.; What becomes customary is accepted as right.; 习惯 be accustomed to; be used to; be inured to; habit; custom; convention; usual practice; groove; 习惯性 habituation; 习惯成自然 Once a use, forever a custom.; Habit is a second nature.; Habit makes things natural.; Once you form a habit, it becomes natural to you.; 习见 (of things) commonly seen; 习气 bad habit; bad practice; 习染 [书] contract (a bad habit); fall into a bad habit of; bad habit; 习尚 common practice; custom; 习俗 custom; convention; habitude; 习题 example; exercises (in school work); 习习 blow gently; 习性 habit; habitus; habits and characteristics; habitual nature; 习焉不察 practise without due investigation — because of acqaintance with the subject; too accustomed to sth. to call it in question; 习沿成风 Usages arise from constant practice.; 习以为常 be [get; become] accustomed to; be a matter of common practice; be quite used to; By practice it has become a common usage.; It has become familiar.; 习用 habitually use; 习与性成 Long practice makes second nature.; Habit is [becomes] second nature.; Habit [exercise] makes things natural.; 习语 idiom; 习字 practise penmanship; do exercises in calligraphy; 习作 do exercises in composition; an exercise in composition, drawing, etc.





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