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单词 人不知,鬼不觉

人不知,鬼不觉rén bù zhī , guǐ bù jué

absolutelysecret; be done in complete secrecy; not a soul knows of it; on the sly; unknown to man and devil; without anyone noticing
❍ 择了日子,~,娶了过去,嘱咐家人不许走漏风声,…… (《红楼梦》837) That done,we’ll choose a day and you can get married on the sly.We’ll forbid the servants to tell anyone about it.
❍ 正经明儿你打发小子问问王大夫去,弄点药吃吃就好了。~的,不好吗?(《红楼梦》371) Just send a boy tomorrow to ask Dr Wang for some medicine,and that will set me right. Far better keep the whole business quiet.
❍ 可是热河战争刚开始的第一天,敌人还离着不知有多远,这位宋老官也没上天,也没下海,却~地悄悄飞回了南京。(杨沫《青春之歌》104) But on the first day of the battle of Rehe,and when the enemy was still far away,this big-shot Song,instaead of going with the troops to the utmost ends of the earth,flew back to Nanjing so secretly that nobody had any idea he had left.
❍ 人被杀于万众聚观之中,比被杀在“~” 的地方快活,……(《鲁迅选集》 Ⅱ—81) To be killed while thousands look on is better than being killed “unknown to man and devil,”. …/依我们的好话,快快收了这样子,倒是~的去罢,大家体面些。(《红楼梦》1003)Take my advice and pack up quickly to slip away without anyone noticing. That’ll look better for us all.

人不知,鬼不觉ren bu zhi,gui bu jue

without a soul knowing anything about it


without anybody’s knowledge;in absolute secrecy;stealthily
他~地出国了。He went abroad before anybody was aware of it./他~地溜走了。He slipped away (or vanished) without a trace.

人不知,鬼不觉rén bù zhī , ɡuǐ bù jué

形容行动非常秘密,无人知晓。without anyone noticing, without a soul knowing anything about it, by stealth





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