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单词 津津乐道

津津乐道jīn jīn lè dào

dwell upon with zest (/great relish); enjoy (/indulge in) elaborating on;prattle to one’s heart’s content; take delight in talking about; tell with unction
❍ 上海的街头巷尾的老虔婆,一知道近邻的阿二嫂家有野男人出入,~,但如果对她讲甘肃的谁在偷汉,新疆的谁在再嫁,她就不要听了。(《鲁迅选集》 Ⅳ—151) When the old women of Shanghai highways and byways hear that a strange man has been going to Second Sister’s house,they prattle to their heart’s content; whereas they are not interested if you tell them some woman in Gansu is having an affair or another in Xinjiang is marrying again.

津津乐道jin jin le dao

take delight in talking about

津津乐道jīn jīn lè dào

津津:兴趣浓厚的样子;乐道:乐于谈论。很有兴致地谈论。dwell upon with great relish, indulge in elaborating on, gush over, delight in talking about





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更新时间:2025/1/19 18:18:57