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单词 乌烟瘴气

乌烟瘴气wū yān zhàng qì

a foul (/pestilential/suffocating) atmosphere; a turgid atmosphere of ignorance and confusion; chaotic;confounded;noisome; nortorious; smog-developed; smoky (/murky/fetid) (air); vicious
❍ 吴天宝一急,打开风筒,让火车冒出这一阵大烟哪,搅的~,使敌人左打右打也打不准。(杨朔《三千里江山》104) He quickly opened the exhaust and spread such a screen of black smoke that all the enemy’s bullets went wide of the mark.
❍ 问什么荆棘塞途的老路,寻什么~的乌导师! (鲁迅《华盖集》43) Why should you ask about the old tracks which are overgrown with brambles? Why should you look for those confounded old teachers?/在~之中,有官之所谓“匪”和民之所谓“匪”; 有官之所谓“民”和民之所谓“民”;有官以为“匪”而其实是真的国民,有官以为“民”而其实是衙役和马弁。(鲁迅《华盖集续编·学界的三魂》19) In this confusion,there are what the officials consider as bandits,and what the people consider as bandits; what the officials consider as citizens,and what the people consider as citizens. There are those whom the officials count as bandits who are really good citizens;there are those whom the officials count as citizens,who are really yamen runners and thugs.
❍ 现在是发现了大致相近的字眼了,“~”,庶几乎其可也。(鲁迅《朝花夕拾·琐记》57) Now I have discovered a fairly close approximation: it seemed to me that it was“murky”./而小市镇却极不美妙,黄尘灰土里夹杂着鸡毛蒜皮,把整个镇子搅得来~,热闹的集市,常被它捣乱得萧条起来。(王汶石《风雪之夜》31) In town,though,it was different.Yellow dust swirling with chicken feathers and onion skins made the whole place smoky and foul. A busy mart could easily be broken up by the bad weather.
❍ 诸君! 你们在~的黑暗世界当中怕已经坐倦了吧!(郭沫若《女神·女神之再生》14) Ladies and gentlemen,you have become tired of living in the fetid gloom of this dark world./《新中华报》第二年的政治方向是什么?就是强调团结和进步,以反对一切危害抗战的~,以期抗日事业有进一步的胜利。(《毛泽东选集》688) What will be the political ori entation of the New China News in its second year?It will be to stress unity and progress and oppose all the vicious practices which are detrimental to the war,so that further successes can be achieved in our cause of resistance to Japan.

乌烟瘴气wu yan zhang qi

foul atmosphere


foul(or pestilent) atmosphere
搞得~ create a foul atmosphere;foul things up

乌烟瘴气wū yān zhànɡ qì

乌烟:黑烟;瘴气:指山林中的一种湿热而有害的空气。比喻人品极坏,不干好事;也比喻环境嘈杂,秩序混乱。foul atmosphere, miasma, smoky, like a pea-green fog





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