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contrivevt. 1. devise,scheme设计,策划。 △Lr.3.4.89: “one thatslept in the contriving of lust,”睡觉时谋划着淫乱的事。 △As.4.3.136(134):“Was’t you that did so oft con-trive to kill him?”老是设计要害死他的就是你吗? 2. plot,conspire密谋,阴谋。 △Mid.3.2.196: “Haveyou conspired,have you with these contrived,/Tobait me with this foul derision?”可是你跟他们暗中设下阴谋,用这种丑恶的把戏来耍弄我? △1H.VI.1.1.25: “Orshall we think the subtle-witted French / Conjurersand sorcerers,that,afraid of him,/ By magic verseshave contrived his end?”再不然,我们该认为那些法兰西的巫师和术士们,因为害怕他,就密谋用魔咒把他害死了? △1H.VI.1.3.34: “Thou that contrived'st to murderour dead lord,”你曾密谋杀害我们的先王。 △1H.VI.1.476:“Accursed tower,accursed fatal hand / That hath contrived this woeful tragedy!”该诅咒的塔楼,该诅咒的凶手,阴谋制造了这一场可悲的惨剧! △1H.VI.2.1.14: “Asfitting best to quittance their deceit / Contrived by artand baleful sorcery.”正好对于他们靠着邪术妖法所策划出的骗局进行报复。 3. arrange安排。 △H.V.5.2.6:“By whom this greatassembly is contrived,”多亏你的安排,才得举行这次盛会。4. spend,pass (time)消磨,度过。 △Shr.1.2.279(274):“contrive this afternoon,”消磨这一个下午。 ~ vi. plot密谋。 △Mer.4.1. 353 (352): “The party’gainst the which he doth contrive / Shall seize one half his goods;”他所企图谋害的一方得没收其财产之半。 contrive[kənˈtraiv]v.设法得到,发明,设计,策划,图谋 ◇ contrive a scheme策划 ‖ contrived experience特设经验 contrived group特设团体 contrivance n.设计,发明 contrivable adj. 可发明的,可设计的 contrivance n.设计,发明,装置,工具 contriver n. 发明者,设计者 |