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(迅速; 快) fast; rapid; quick; speedy: ~ 读 fast [speed] reading; 收效甚 ~ produce quick results; have a speedy effect; 请 ~ 回信。 Please reply as soon as possible. ~ 去 ~ 回。 Go and return quickly. Ⅱ ❶ (速度) speed; velocity: 风 ~ wind speed [velocity]; 光 [音] ~ velocity of light [sound]
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 希觉 Su Xijue Ⅲ [书] (邀请) invite: 不 ~ 之客 uninvited guest; gate-crasher
◆速成 speeded-up educational program; 速成班 express class; streamlined course; accelerated class; 速冻 quick-freeze;
速冻包装 deep-frozen food packaging; quick-frozen food packaging; 速读 fast reading;
速度 {物} velocity; speed; blast; bat; rate; pace; tempo;
速度计 velograph; velocimeter; velometer; tachometer; dromometer; speed gauge; speed indicator; speedometer;
速滑刀 {体} speed skate;
速记 shorthand; short hand; stenography; take sth. down in shorthand;
速决 quick decision;
速率 speed; rate; tempo;
速溶咖啡 quickly dissolving coffee; 速射 {军} rapid fire;
速算法 {数} short-cut counting method; short-cut method of counting; rapid calculation method;
速效 quick results; quick-acting;
速写 sketch; literary sketch;
速战速决 fight a quick battle to force a quick decision; fight and win battles of quick decision; prompt military decision





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