释义 |
乌七八糟污七八糟wū qī bā zāochaotic;foul; in a horrible mess;in great disorder; nasty;obscene; rubbish ❍ 可是一转念:这样~的党,而且意见分歧,是不是能领导革命把中国搞好呢?(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—312) But his confidence soon began to wane because he doubted whether such a foul party,that was rent by divergent political views,could guide the revolution to success and make China prosperous and strong. ❍ 道静心里好腻畏。这些~的都是些什么人呀? (杨沫《青春之歌》215) Daojing felt nothing but disgust for this motley crew.…/在我们的队伍中还不是没有不健全的人和坏人的,这些不健全的人和坏人,也还是会干出一些~的坏事来的。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》57) Nor can we say that our ranks are free from unsound or even bad elements,who may be quite capable of any nastiness. ❍ 去吧,振作一点,人一忙起来,就会忘记这些~的事情。(周立波《山乡巨变》133) Go on,bestir yourself a bit. As soon as you’re busy with something you’ll forget about that wretched business. |