单词 | design |
释义 | design /di'zam; di'zain/ n 1 [C] drawing or outline from which sth may be made: M样; 设计图样: ~s for a dress/garden; 服装(花园)的设计图样; [U] art of making such drawings, etc; 设计制图 i: a school of ~. 设计制图学校。 2 [U] general arrangement or planning (of a picture, book, building, machine, etc): (图画,书籍,建筑物, 机器等的)设计; 布局; 配置: The building seats 2000 people, but is poor in ~. 这建筑物有二千人的座位,但设计很差。 A machine of faulty ~ will not sell well. N 计不良的机器销路不会好。 3 [C] pattern; arrangement of lines, shapes, details, as ornament, eg on a bowl or carpet: 图案(线条,图形,枝节的安排,作为监饰,如碗上或地毯上者): a vase with a ~ of flowers on 认有花形图案的花瓶。 4 [C, U] purpose; intention; mental plan: 日的; 意向; 计游: Whether by accident or ~, he arrived too late to help us. N 论是意外或故意,他到得太迟了,帮不上我们的忙。卬 ys the world made by ~ or did it come into existence by chance? 宇宙是按照计划造成的,还是偶然产生的? have ~s on/against, intend (selfishly or evilly) to get possession of: (自私或不轨地)图谋占有或夺取: That man has ~s on your money/your life; 那人图谋你的钱财(性命); (colioq) (M) He has ~s on that young girl, wants to be intimate with her. 他想打那个年轻女郞的主意。口叫 vi 1 [VP6A] prepare a plan, sketch, etc (of sth to be made): 为…画图样: ~ a dress/garden. 为服装(花园)游图样。 2 [VP2A, C] make ~s(1) from which sth will be made: 设计图样:设计图案: He ~s for a large firm of carpet manufacturers. 他 H 一家织造地毯的大公司设计图案。 3 [VP14, 16A, B] ~ for. set apart, intend, plan: 留作専用; 打算; 计避: This course of study is ~ed to help those wishing to teach abroad. 这门课程是为帮助欲至国外敎书的人而开的。 This room was ~ed for the children/ ~ed as a children's playroom. 这个房间预定留给孩子们用(留作孩子们的游戏室)。 ~ eddy /-idli; -idh/ adv by ~ (4); on purpose. 故意地; 存心地。 |
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