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单词 desert
释义 desert1 /di'zxt; di'zw/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A] leave; go away from: 离开; 放弃; 抛弃: The village had been hurriedly ~ed, perhaps because bandits were in the district. 全村的人都匆匆逃走了,或许因为有土匮到达该地区。 The streets were ~ed, no people were to be seen. 街上行人绝迹。 We sheltered from the storm in a ~ed hut,> one that had been abandoned. 我们在一个空无人住的茅屋里躱暴风雨。 2 [VP6A] leave without help or support, esp in a wrong or cruel way: 背弃; 遗弃不顾 (尤指以不当或残忍的方法): He ~ed his wife and children and went abroad. 他置妻子儿女于不顾,出国去了。 He has become so rude that his friends are ~ing him. 他变得粗暴无礼,所以朋友们都不和他来往了。 3 [VP6A, 2A] run away from; leave (esp service in a ship, the armed forces) without authority or permission: 潜逃; 未经准假而离开 (尤指船上,军中的职守); 逃亡; 开小差: A soldier who ~s his post in time of war is punished severely. 在战时逃兵的处罚很重。 4 [VP6A] fail: 使失败; 使失望: His courage/presence of mind ~ed him. 他的勇气 (镀静功夫) 尽失。 ~er n person who ~s (3), 背弃者:潜逃者; (尤指) 逃兵。 desertion /di'zxfn; dizjjan/ n [C, U] (instance of) ~ing or being ~ed. 离开; 放弃; 背弃; 遗弃; 逃亡。




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