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单词 glad
glad/ɡlæd/ adj [-dd-;-er/-est

(1) 1)高兴(欢悦)的(pleased and happy)[A(about),A+to-infA+that][作pred]:be~about sb's arrival/sb's new job/sb's passing the test 对某人的到达/新职/通过考试感到高兴;I was~to have seen it.我很高兴见到了这件东西。I'm~you'll be moving to London.我很高兴你将要搬到伦敦去。be~at what sb has done 对某人的所为感到高兴;〖同〗happy,delighted,pleased;〖反〗sad,unhappy; 2)宽慰(安心)(relieved)[A (about/of),A+to-infA+ that]:He was~that he had controlled himself.他很欣慰他控制住自己了。3)感谢的(graceful for sth)[A (of)]:~of sb's help/sb's company 很感激某人的帮助/陪伴; 4)情愿(渴望)的(very willing and eager to do sth)[A+to-inf]:~to give sb a hand/to lend sb the money 愿意帮助某人一把/借钱给某人;~to help sb/be of service 很高兴帮助某人/有所帮助;

(2) 1)令人高兴的,使人愉快的(bringing or causing pleasure)[作attrib]:a~smile/piece of news/occasion/day/moment 令人愉快的微笑/消息/场合/一天/时刻;~tidings 喜讯;〖同〗 happy,delightful,joyful,cheerful;〖反〗 sad,unhappy,unpleasant; 2)欣喜的,欢快的(expressing joy)(rhet):~laughter 欢乐的笑声;

glad rags 参加庆典所穿的衣服(infml):I'll get my~rags on for the party. 这次晚会上我要穿上盛装。

→′gladden v 使高兴(快乐);′gladly adv 快乐,(高兴)地;乐意地;′gladness n 高兴;快乐;′gladsome adj 令人高兴的,可喜的;glad-′hand v 欢迎





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