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单词 whiles


n. present time 现在。
the whiles: for the present,meanwhile 立刻,同时。
△Shr.3.1.22:“play you the whiles”,你立刻演奏起来。


1. during the time that,while 当…的时候。
△As.5.4.5: “Patience once more,whiles our compact isurged.”请再忍耐一下,当我重述我们的约定的时候。
△Ado.4.1.221 (219):”whiles we enjoy it,”当我们享用它的时候。
△Lr.2.3.5: “Whiles I may scape / I will pre-serve myself.” 只要我能逃走,我总得保全自己的性命。
△Rom.5.3.300:“Whiles Verona by that name isknown.”只要维洛纳还叫做这个名称。
△ Ham.1.5.96:“whiles memory holds a seat / In this distractedglobe.”只要我这混乱的头脑里还有记忆的位置。
△Mac.5.7.31(5. 8. 2): “Whiles I see lives,the gashes / Dobetter upon them.” i.e. While I see foes still alive,wounds are more fitting on them than on me.只要我看见敌人还活着,把刀伤加在他们的身上岂不更好。
2. while,although 当…时候,尽管。
△Mac.2.1.60:“Whiles I threat,he lives: / Words to the heat of eeds too cold breath gives.”我尽管威胁,他仍然活着;空话只会对轰轰烈烈的行动吹一口冷气。
3. during the time that. at the same time that 当…的时候.与…同时。
△Tw.3.3.40: “I will bespeak ourdiet,/ Whiles you beguile the time and feed yourknowledge / With viewing of the town;”我先去定好我们的膳食,这时候你可游览一下城市,消磨时光,增长见识。
△Mid.3.2.374: “Whiles I in this affair do theeemploy. /I’ll to my queen and beg her Indian boy;”在我派你去做这件事的同时,我要去向我的王后讨那个印度小僮。
4. while 而。
△As.2.7.127: “Then but forbear yourfood a little while,/ Whiles,like a doe,I go to find my fawn,”那么请你们暂时别把东西吃掉,而我要像一只母鹿一样去寻找我的小鹿。
5. as long as,so long as 只要。
△1H.VI.1.4.90:“Salisbury,cheer thy spirit with this comfort,/ Thoushalt not die whiles —” 骚兹伯利,你可以用这一点安慰你的灵魂:你是不会白白死去的,只要——。
6. until. up to the time when 直到…为止。
△ Tw.4.3.28:“He shall conceal it / Whiles you are willing itshall come to note,”他可以保守秘密,直到你愿意宣布的时候为止。





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