释义 |
假仁假义jiǎ rén jiǎ yìcanting; don a pious mask(/cloak); hypocrisy; pretended benevolence and righteousness; pretend to be the paragon of virtue;pull a sanctimonious face; sham kindness and goodness ❍ 舆论的压力,使典狱长韩渐逵坐卧不安了,他亲自跑到囚室里来,~地征求意见。(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》62) Under pressure of public opinion,Han,the prison superintendent,grew fidgety and hypocritically visited the cells in person to ask for suggestions. ❍ 童少英虽然年轻,阅历少,经过这两年的亲身经验,慢慢地看出些季昌志的~与小恩小惠,由感激、信赖,逐渐变成失望、怀疑和不满。(李六如 《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ —19)Although she was an unsophisticated young woman,…what she had experienced through the last two years had gradually enlightened her concerning the hypo critical ways and manners of Changzhi. Her feelings of gratitude and trust in the man had slowly turned into those of disappointment,suspicion and dis content. 假仁假义jia ren jia yipretended benevolence and righteousness 假仁假义hypocrisy;pretended benevolence and righteousness 假仁假义jiǎ rén jiǎ yì伪装仁慈、忠义。hypocrisy, pretended benevolence and righteousness, pass the bottle of smoke |