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单词 东拉西扯

东拉西扯西扯东拉dōng lā xī chě

aimless chattering; chat with each other quite freely; a desultory (/diffuse) talk (/writing); digress (from the theme) here and there; do patch work in writing;drag in (all sorts of) irrelevant matters; endless chatter about this and that; piece (/put) together;from different sources; prattle; ramble haphazardly;talk incoherently (/disorderly); talk of everything under the sun; talk (on) at random
❍ 龚子元怕过于显露,没有再问,装做耐烦地听面糊~,间或插一两句嘴。(周立波《山乡巨变》244) Gong Ziyuan didn’t want to be too obvious,so he didn’t ask any more questions,but pretended to listen patiently to Flour-Paste’s aimless chattering,and only threw in a few words now and then.
❍ 因为他也不是正式请客,而是吃便餐,~地边吃边聊天。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—304) As he was not giving a formal party. the men joined his group without much ado. They chatted with each other quite freely throughout lunch.
❍ 更有一种可笑的,肚子里原没有什么,~,弄的牛鬼蛇神,还自以为博奥。(《红楼梦》1068)… while the most ludicrous ones are written by ignoramuses who drag in this,that and the other to make up a monstrous mishmash,yet boast of their erudition!/他~地蹲在脚地不肯走,她便明白他专意来找亚来。(王汶石《风雪之夜》192) His squatting there with his endless chatter about this and that was a sure sign that he had come specially to see Yalai.
❍ 现在宣布开会了。白发秃头的余训慎,首先走上讲台,~地骂一顿康梁不该维新变法,……(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—82) The ceremony began with an opening speech by the baldheaded old general. Standing on the plat form,in an offhand way he first condemned Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao and their attempt at reform.
❍ 于是两个好朋友就~地谈起天来。(杨沫《青春之歌》169) Instead,they began to talk of everything under the sun.
❍ 他们这几位,就如此~谈一阵分了手。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—298) Thus they talked on at random for a few more moments before they left.
❍ 亚来喝汤的当儿,这位八叔仍然在~,没谈什么正题话,真像是闲游门的样儿。(王汶石《风雪之夜》192)While Yalai was having his “soup”,his uncle prattled on as before. Nothing he touched upon was of the slightest importance. It seemed as if he had merely come to make a call.

东拉西扯dōnɡ lā xī chě

比喻漫无边际的胡乱聊天。ramble in talk, talk disorderly, talk at random, drag in irrelevant matters, yack, yak, aimlessly chattering, piece together, branch out





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