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单词 look
释义 look1 /luk; luk/ vi, vt (pt, pp ~ed) (For uses with adverbial particles and preps c7 below.) (与副词接语和介词连用的用法,参看下列第 7 义。) 1 [VP2A, C, 3A, 4A] ~ (at), use one's sight; turn the eyes in some direction; try to see: 看; 视; 望: ~(up) at the ceiling; (向上)看天花板; ~ ( dow) at the floor. (向下)看地板。 We ~ed but saw nothing. 我们看了,但没有看见什么。 I happened to be ~ing another way, in a different direction. 我碰巧朝另 — 方向看。乙 ~ to see whether the road's clear before you cross. 穿越以前看看路上是否安全。 to ~ at him/lt, etc, judging by the outward appearance: 由外貌判断: To ~ at her you'd never guess that she was a university teacher. 由外貌判断你绝对想不到她是位大学教师。 I ~ before you leap, (prov) Avoid acting hastily, without considering the possible consequences. (诱)慎思而后行。 ~ing glass n mirror made of glass. 镜子。 2 [VP2D, 4D] seem to be; have the appearance of being: 看来像是; 现出某种样子: ~ sad/ill/tired. 面现愁容(病容,倦容)。 The town always ~s deserted on Sunday mornings. 在星期日的早晨这座城市总显得冷清清的样子。 It ~ very suspicious to me, I suspect that it is not strictly honest, straightforward, etc. 我觉得此事有点跳跷。 The girl ~ed puzzled. 那女 RUM 很困惑。 (not) ~ oneself, (not) have one's normal appearance: 看起来跟平常一样(不一样): You're not ~ing yourself today, You're ~ing ill, worried, etc. 你看来有点异样(像是病了,担忧等)。 He,s beginning to ~ himself again, ~ well again, eg after an illness. 他开始复元了(例如病后)。 ~ one's age, have an appearance that conforms to one's age: 看起来与年拓相符: She ~s her age, seems as old as she in fact is. 她看起来和她的牟龄相符。 You don't ~ your age, look younger than you are. 你看起来比你的实际年龄年轻。 ~ one's best, appear to the greatest advantage: 最能显现优点: She ~s her best in jeans. 她穿着牛仔裤最漂亮。 ~ black (at). ~ angrily (at). 面带怒色; 怒目而视。 ~ blue, appear sad or discontented. 面现忧伤或不满之色。 ~ good. a seem attractive, enticing, etc. 看来可爱, 动人。 b seem to be making satisfactory progress, doing well, etc: 似乎有令人满意的进步; 似乎做得不错: The horse I put my money on ~ed good until the last hundred metres. 我赌的那匹马在最后的一百公尺以前表现得不错。 Hence, 由此产生, ,good-'ing adj of fine appearance. 动人的; 可爱的; 好看的。 ~ small, ~ mean or insignificant: 显得卑鄙或不重要: We made him ~ small, exposed him as being insignificant. 我们使他显得不重要了。 [ ~ alive! Get busy! Make haste! 赶快!快些! here! of ten used to call attention to sth; or demand attention. 看这里!(常用以引人注意或要人注意)。 L ~ sharp! Hurry up! 赶快! ~ well, a (of persons) be healthy in appearance. (指人)看来健康。 b (of things) be attractive, pleasing, satisfactory: (指物)美观; 悦目; 令人满意: Does this hat - well on me? 我戴上这顶帽子好看吗? c (of a person wear- ing sth) ~ attractive: (指穿着某衣物的人)看来动人; 显得漂亮: He ~s well in naval uniform. 他穿着海军制服很漂亮。 3 [VP2C] ~ Hke/as if. seem (to be): 似乎是; 看来像是: It ~s like salt and it is salt. 它看来像盐, 而事实上也是盐。〃 ~s like (= threatens to) rain. 天像是要下雨的样子。 It ~ like.being (= promises to be) a fine day. 看来会是一个好天。 This ~s to me like a way in. 在我看来这像是进去的路。 She ~s as if she were about to faint. 她看来像是要灯倒的样子。 You ~ as if you slept badly. 你看来像是睡眠不足。 It doesn't ~ to me as if we shall get there in time. 我看我们不能及时到达了。 4 [VP8] pay attention; learn by seeing: 注意; 由观看而知晓: L~ where you're going! 当心走路! L~ who's here! 看谁在这里! L~ (and see) whether the postman has been yet. 去看看邮差来过没有。 5 (= ~ at) ~ sb/sth in the eye(s)/face. confront calmly and bravely: 镇定勇敢地面对:. ~ death/one's enemy in the face. 镇拄亩敢地面对死亡(敌人)。 6 [VP6A] express by one's appearance: 露出…乏表情; 用脸色表示: ~ e, s thanks/consent. 露出感激(同意)的表情。 7 [VP2C, 3A, 15B] (uses with adverbial particles and preps): (与潮词接语和介词连用的用法): look about (for sth), be on the watch, in search of; examine one's surroundings, the state of affairs, etc: 警戒; 看望; 寻找; 审视环境; 查看情况 /ke you still ~ing about for a job? 你仍在块工作鸣? ~ about one, examine one's surroundings; give oneself time to make plans: 审视环境; 找时简安排: We hardly had time to ~ about us before we had to continue our journey. 我们几乎没有时间安排一下便不得不继续旅行了。 look after sb/sth, a take care of; watch over; attend to: 照顾;照看; 照料: Who will ~ after the children while their mother is in hospital? 在他们的母亲住院期间,谁照顾这些孩子? He needs a to ~ after him. 他需要一个妻子照顾他。 He's well able to ~ after himself/to ~ after his ow interests. 他很会照顾自己(顾到自己的利益)。 b follow with the eyes: 目送: They ~ed after the train as it left the station. 他们百送火车离站。 look at sth, (special uses) (林殊用丧) a not ~ at sth, (usu with will, would) not consider: (通常与 will 或 would 连用)不考虑: They wouldn't ~ at my proposal. 他们不考虑我的建议。 b examine: 检查: We must ~ at the question from all sides. 我们必须从各方面检讨此问题。旳〃 you please ~ at the battery of my car? 请你检查一下我车上的电瓶好哝? Doctor, will you ~ at my ankle? 医师,请你检查一下我的脚脖子好吗? c in polite requests: 用于请求: Will you please ~ at (ie read) this letter? 请你读一读这封信好寤? good/bad. etc to ~ at. of good, etc appearance: 外表美观(不美观等): The hotel is not much to ~ at, does not appear to be good from the outside. 这旅馆的外表不太美观。 look away (from sth), turn the eyes away. (自…)转移目光。 look back (on/to sth), (fig) turn one's thoughts to sth in the past. (喻)追思;回顾。 never ~ back, make uninterrupted progress. 不断进步。 look down on sb/sth, despise; consider oneself superior to; show false contempt for: 轻视; 瞧不起; 蔑视: When she married the boss, she ~ed down on the office girls she had worked with. 她嫁给老板后,便瞧不起曾同她在一起办公的女职员了。 ~ down one's nose at sb/sth, (colloq) regard with displeasure or contempt. (U)对某人不悦或轻视。 look for sb/sth. a search for; try to find: 寻找; 寻求: Are you still ~ing for a job? 你仍在找工作吗? That foolish fellow is ~ in% for trouble, is behaving in a way that will get him into trouble. 那个愚蠢的家伙在自找麻烦。 b expect: 期望: It's too soon yet to ~ for results. 现在便期望有结果为时尚早。 look forward to sth, anticipate (usu with pleasure): 盼望; 期待(通常以愉快的心情): Were ~ing forward to seeing you again. 我们盼望再见到你。 look in (on sb), make a short (usu casual) visit; pay a call: 便道过访; 拜访: Why don't you ~ in (on me) next time you're in town? 你下太进城来请亩便看看我好吗? The doctor will ~ in again this evening. 医生今晚将再来。 give sb/get a ' ~-in, (colloq, sport, etc) chance (of winning, etc): (俗,运动等)给予某人(获得)(得胜等的)机会: You won't get a ~-in with such strong competition. 在这种激烈的竞争下你没有机会获胜。 look into sth. a investigate; examine: 调查; 检查: ~ into a question. 调查一问题。 b dip into (a book, etc). 浏览(书等) „ c ~ at the inside of, the depths of: 注视…而甬部或深处: He ~ed into the box/the mirror/her eyes. 他注视箱底(镜子,她的眼睛)。 look on, be a spectator; watch: 旁观; 观望: Why don't you play football instead of just ~ing on? 你为什么不参加踢足球而只是旁观? Hence, 由此产生, i ~er-'on n person who ~s on. 旁观者。 ~ on/upon sb/sth,as, regard as: 视作: Do you ~ on him as an authority on the subject? 你认为他是这问题的权威吗? ~ on/upon sb/sth with. regard in the way specified: 以特殊方式看某人: He seems to ~ on me with distrust. 他似乎不信任我。 ~ on to, (of a place, room, etc) overlook, give a view of: (指地点,房间等)面对; 濒临: My bedroom ~s on to the garden. 我的卧璧面对着花囱。 look out (of sth) (at sth): He stood at the window and ~ed out (at the view). 他站在窗前向外望(观看景色)。 They were ~ing out of the window. 他们正向商外看。 ~ out on (to)/over, supply an outlook or view over: 供以成望的景色: Our hotel room here ~s out on the sea front. 我们的旅馆房间面对海滨。 ~ out (for sb/sth), be prepared (for), be on the watch (for): 准备; 警戒; 当心; 守候: £~ out! Be on the watch, be careful! 当心!小心! Will you go to the station and ~ out for Mr Hill? 请你到车站去等候希尔先生好吗? Hence, 由此产生, '■ out n a keep a good ~-out (for); be on the ~-out (for), be watchful (for). 意守望; 严密注意。 b [C] place from which to watch; person who has the duty of watching: 守望处; 守望者:(attrib) (形容用法 )a ~-out post; 监视哨所; send ~ ■outs in advance. 预先派出监视哨。 c (sing only) prospect; what seems likely to come or happen: (仅用单数)远景; 前途: It seems a bad ~、 -om for their children. 他们的孩子们的前途似乎不佳。 That's your own ~-out, sth you yourself must be responsible for. 那京你自己应负责任的事。 ~ sth out (for sb), select by making an inspection: 检上以选出; 挑选: ~ out some books for a friend in hospital. 为一住院友人挑选几本书。 look over sth, inspect; examine: 检阅; 检查: We must ~ over the house before we decide to rent it. 在决定租这房子前我们必须先看一下。 ~ sth over, inspect one by one or part by part: 逐一检查; 逐步食阅: Here's the correspondence; I've ~ed it over. 这就是那封信,我已经检查过。 Hence, 由此产生,, ~-over n give something a ~-over, examine it. 检查某物。 look round, a (fig) examine possibilities before deciding sth: (喻)事前仔细考虑: Don't make a hurried decision; ~ round well first. 不要急作决定,先好好考虑一下。 b turn the head (to see): 转首(欲看): When I ~ed round for her, she was leaving the hall. 当我转过头去看她时,她正离开大鹿。 ~ round (sth), go sight-seeing, etc: 观光; 游览: Have we time to ~ round (the town) before lunch? 我们在中饭前有时间(在城里) 游览一下吗? look through sth, revise (a lesson, etc); study; examine: 仔细研读(功课等); 温习; 检查: L~ through your notes before the examination. 考试前温习你' 的笔记。 I must ~ through these bills and check them before I pay them. 我必须在付款前审查和核对一下这些帐单。 ~ sth through, inspect carefully or successively: 仔细检查; 逐项审查: He ~ed the proposals through before approving them. 他在核准前仔细审查那些提议。 look to sth, be careful of or about: 注意: The country must ~ to its defences. 国家必须注意其防务。 L~ to your manners, my boy, Don't be so rude. 注意你的态度,孩子。 £ ~ to it (= Take care) that this does not happen again. 注意不要使此事再发生。 ~ to sb for sth/to do sth, rely on: 依赖: They all ~ to you for help. 他们全仰赖你的帮助。 They're ~ing to you for a solo/to sing to them. 他们期待着你的独唱(唱给他们听) 。 ~ to/towards, face: 面对: a house ~ing towards the river/to the south. 面临河的(朝南的)一所房屋。 look up, a raise the eyes: 仰视: Don't ~ up. 不要向看。 b improve in price or prosperity: 涨价; 繁荣: Business is/Oil shares are ~ i/ig up. 商业(石油股票)呈现起色。 ~ sth up, search for (a word in a dictionary, facts in a reference book, etc): 查(字典中的字,参考书中的事实等): Please ~ up a fast train to Leeds, in a railway guide. 请查一下去里玆的快车(查一下火车时刻表)。 ~ sb up, pay a call on; visit: 拜访; 探访: Do ~ me up next time you're in London. 你下次到伦敦时,务必请来访我。 ~ up to sb (as.. respect: 尊敬: They all ~ up to him as their leader. 他们都尊他为他们的领袖。 ~ sb up and down, examine him carefully or contemptuously. 上下打量某人; 轻蔑地打量某人。




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