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单词 东张西望

东张西望dōng zhāng xī wàng

cast (/dart) one’s eyes about; gaze (/glance)(all) around; look around(in all directions/in every direction/right and left/this way and that); peer around (/from left to right)
❍ 吴芝生也在那里~。(茅盾《子夜》251) Wu Zhisheng was also gazing all round him,…/庙外就是一片树林,树林里的蝉,在知了知了地拼命喊叫,林道静忍耐地听了一阵蝉声,焦灼地~了半天,还是一个人影也没有。(杨沫《青春之歌》 6) Cicadas were chirruping lustily from the coppice outside the temple. Dao jing listened to them as she waited,looking out anxiously from time to time. Still no one appeared,…/四只眼睛,就像四个流星,~,边望边谈,…… (李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—184) Looking around carefully first in one direction then in the other,they talked quietly together. …/他们一边走,一边~,……(杨佩瑾《剑》204) As they walked along,they darted their eyes from side to side,…/进了沙家店那条空荡荡的小街。他们没有停,一边走,一边~着……(柳青《铜墙铁壁》140)It marched along the empty little street without stopping,but the men kept peering from left to right,talking as they walked…/剑平认出有暗探在人丛里~,…… (高云览《小城春秋》53) Jianping spotted a detective,peering furtively around for the distrib utor.
❍ 刘老老只听见咯当咯当的响声,很似打罗筛面的一般,不免~的,忽见堂屋中柱子上挂着一个匣子,底下又坠着一个秤砣似的,却不住的乱晃。(《红楼梦》74)Granny Liu heard a steady tock-tock-tock like the sound made by a flour-bolting machine. Staring about her she saw a box-like object attached to one of the pillars in the room,with a weight of sorts swinging to and fro below it.

东张西望dōnɡ zhānɡ xī wànɡ

东看看,西望望。比喻观察动静。gaze together, glance around, look round, moon about(around), peer around, look all around





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