不顾❶not think of;not care ❷in spite of;regardless of;in disregard of;despite 全然~国际舆论utter disregard for international opinion/只顾自己,~别人think only of oneself and nobody else/~大局lack consideration for the whole; give no heed to (or ignore)the overall interest;at the expense of the overall situation; show no consideration for the general(or larger) interest; ignore the larger issues/~情面have no consideration for someone’s sensibilities;not hesitate to hurt sb’s feelings/~人民死活couldn't care less about the people’s sufferings/~条件一哄而起rush into action heedless of the circumstances/~一切regardless of the consequences; no matter what/~一切后果regardless of all consequences/~一再警告despite repeated warnings/~历次抗议in disregard of the previous protests /~事实fly in the face of facts;have no regard for the truth |