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单词 不辨菽麦

不辨菽麦bù biàn shū mài

be unable to tell beans from wheat—have no knowledge of practical matters;cannot distinguish (/tell) beans from wheat; not know pulse from corn
❍ 周子有兄而无慧,不能辨菽麦,故不可立。(《左传·成十八年》) Zhouzi had a brother who was devoid of intelligence,so that he could not distinguish beans from wheat,and consequently,could not be made marquis.
❍ 儿渐长,魁梧可爱。然性绝痴,五六岁尚~,言语蹇涩。(蒲松龄《聊斋志异·珠儿》194) This boy grew up to be a fine manly fellow,though so extremely stupid that when five or six years old he didn’t know pulse from corn,and could hardly talk plainly.

不辨菽麦bù biàn shū mài

菽:豆类。分不清豆子和麦子。形容愚昧无知。have no knowledge of practical matters, not know chalk from cheese





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