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单词 destitute
释义 destitute /'destitjwt US: -tu: t; 'dEsta,tjut/ adj 1 without food, clothes and other things necessary for life: 缺乏衣,食及其他必需品的; 穷困的: When Mr Hill died, his wife and children were left ~. 当希尔先生去世的时候, 他的妻子儿女皆陷于穷困。 2 ~ of, not having: 缺乏; 没有: officials who are ~ of ordinary human feelings. 倏乏同情心的官吏。 destitution /,desti'tju: fn US: -'tu: fn; Wests'tu/sn/ n [U] being ~⑴:底乏; 穷困: a war that brought desolation and destitution; 带来荒谅与穷困的战争; reduced to destitution, to complete poverty. 陷于赤贫之境。




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