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单词 detect
释义 detect /di'tekt; di'tekt/ vt [VP6A] discover (the existence or presence of sb or sth, the identity of sb guilty of wrongdoing): 査明; 査出 (某人或案物之存在或在场, 犯罪者的姓名等): The dentist could ~ no sign of decay in her teeth. 牙医在她的牙齿上找不出腐蚀的迹象。 Can you ~ an escape of gas in this corner of the room? 你能觉察出这屋角有煤气漏出来吗? ~able /-abl; -ab|/ adj that can be ~ed. 可査明的; 可找出的。~。 r /-t; (r); -t。/ n device for ~ing, eg changes of pressure, temperature or a radio signal. 探查器 (例如测哒器,测温器, 检波器等) 。 'lie- ~ or, lie'.




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