释义 |
不守本分bù shǒu běn fènforget one’s place;insubordination; neglect one’s proper vocation;neglect one’s work; fail to keep to one’s own line (/profeession) ❍ 一个女孩儿家,只管拿着诗人做正经事讲起来,叫有学问的人听了反笑话,说~。(《红楼梦》608)Real scholars would laugh to hear a girl discussing poetry so seriously. They’d say you’d forgotten your place. ❍ 去年在厦门,才知道吃饭困难,不吃亦殊为“学者”所不悦,得了~的批评。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅱ—185) However last year in Amoy [Xiamen] I learned that while having a rice-bowl is hard,refusing one also annoys“scholars”who then criticize you for insubordina tion. ❍ 平日~,多事可知! (《儒林外史》91) Obviously you must be a troublesome busybody,neglecting your proper vocation. ❍ 新市镇公裕旗盐店呈首; 高人杨执中(即杨允),累年在店~,嫖赌穿吃,……(《儒林外史》118)The owner of Gong Yu Qi Salt Shop in New Market charged the manager,Yang Zhizhong,with neg lecting his work for many years and devoting his time to pleasure. |