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单词 上海合作组织(上合组织)


Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) 1996年,中国与俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦五国元首在上海签署《关于在边境地区加强军事领域信任的协定》,上合组织的前身——“上海五国”进程就此启动。5年后,2001年6月15日,“上海五国” 及乌兹别克斯坦元首在上海签署《上海合作组织成立宣言》,上合组织宣告诞生。截至2006年,除上述6个正式成员国之外,印度、巴基斯坦、阿富汗、蒙古、伊朗5国被接纳为观察员。
~的宗旨和任务主要是: 加强成员国的相互信任与睦邻友好;维护和加强地区和平、安全与稳定,共同打击恐怖主义、分裂主义和极端主义、毒品走私、非法贩运武器和其他跨国犯罪;开展经贸、环保、文化、科技、教育、能源、交通、金融等领域的合作,促进地区经济、社会、文化的全面均衡发展,不断提高成员国人民的生活水平;推动建立民主、公正、合理的国际政治经济新秩序。SCO has the following purposes and missions:enhance mutual trust and good-neighborly friendship among the member states; safeguard and strengthen regional peace,security and stability and jointly fight against terrorism,separatism and extremism,drug trafficking,illicit arms trafficking,and other transboundary crimes; carry out cooperation in business,environmental protection,culture,science and technology,education,energy,transportation,finance and other areas,promote all-round and balanced development of economy,society and culture in the region,and improve the living standards in the member states;and promote the establishment of a new international political and economic order that is democratic,fair and equitable./~遵循的主要原则是:恪守《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则;相互尊重独立、主权和领土完整,互不干涉内政,互不使用或威胁使用武力;平等互利、通过相互协商解决所有问题;奉行不结盟、不针对其他国际和组织及对外开放原则。SCO is based on the following principles: abide by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter; respect each other’s independence,sovereignty and territorial integrity,refrain from interfering in others’ internal affairs and using or threatening to use force against each other;treat each other as equals,seek mutual benefit,and resolve all the issues through consultation; and uphold the principles of non-alliance,non-targeting at other countries or organizations and being open./~从一开始就不是一个封闭性、排他性的组织,不针对任何第三方。Since its establishment,SCO has never been a close and exclusive organization and is not targeted at any third party.





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