释义 |
scandaln. shame. disgrace. disgraceful reputation.notoriety羞耻,耻辱,不光彩的名声,臭名。 △1H.VI.3.1.69: “O,what a scandal is it to our crown / That two such noble peers as ye should jar!”啊,如果像你们这样的高官显爵竟然互相争执,对于朝廷又是多么大的耻辱! △3H.VI.2.1.149: “Oft have I heard his praises in pursuit,/But ne'er till now his scandal of retire.” i.e. I have often heard him praised for pursuing the enemy butnever until now condemned for his disgrace in re-treat. 我常听到人称赞他总是追击敌人,但到了如今才知道他也有退却之辱。 △3H.VI.2.1.151:“Nor now my scandal.Richard,dost thou hear;”理查,你现在听到的也并非我的耻辱。 △2H.VI.2.4.65: “Why,yet thy scandal werenot wiped away. / But I in danger for the breach oflaw.”唉,你的羞耻恐怕不会洗刷掉,而我可要有犯法的危险了。 △Ham.1.4.38:“To his own scandal.”结果弄得他声名狼藉。 scandal[ˈskændl]n.丑闻 ‖ scandal sheet黄色报刊 scandalize v. scandalizer n.诽谤者 scandalous adj.scandalous statement诽谤性陈述 |