释义 |
七上八下qī shàng bā xiàlike a well in which seven buckets are drawn up and eight dropped down—in an unsettled state of mind; be in a turmoil; be in confusion (/trepidation/twenty minds); be on tenterhooks (/edge); be perturbed (/agitated/upset); one’s heart is beating like mad; one’s heart pounds (/thumps); the sword of Damocles hangs over sb;topsy-turvy ❍ 过了一阵,薛国观和程国祥慌忙来了。他们不知道皇上突然召见他们有什么重大事情,心中~。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—690—691) Presently Xue and Cheng entered in great haste,anxiously won dering why the emperor had suddenly summoned them. ❍ 凤姐见兴儿回来,因当着人不及细问贾琏,心中~,…… (《红楼梦》160) Now that Shin’er was back,Xifeng was all agog to question him about Jia Lian but could not do so in any detail in front of the others. ❍ 他俩虽然还有一搭无一搭地闲聊,刘太生的心里却~地犯了猜疑。(冯志《敌后武工队》87) Liu,while talking casually with He,was very disturbed. ❍ 薛科此时被宝蟾鬼混了一阵,心中~,竟不知如何是好,……(《红楼梦》1185) By now he was so flustered by Baochan’s tricks that he did not know what to do. ❍ 他这一阵心头如同十五个吊桶打水,~,老是宁静不下来。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—540) His mind was in a turmoil these days and he was quite unable to think straight. ❍ 道静心里~,也不知是喜还是忧。(杨沫《青春之歌》187) Daojing’s mind was in confusion—she did not know whether to be glad or sorry. ❍ 这几天我的心里也是~的,生怕玉秀这个冒失鬼再出点什么事呢。(黎汝清《海岛女民兵》266) I’ve been very upset these days worrying about that scatter-brained daughter of mine. ❍ 宁金山一看马全有那两只眼角下吊的眼,以为马全有冲他发火。他心里象十五只吊桶打水,~的。(杜鹏程《保卫延安》48) Jinshan thought Quanyou’s anger was directed against him,and his heart began chattering like a bucket-chain in a well. ❍ 摩托车在石平的路面上猛烈跳动着,他的心也象十五个吊桶打水似的~,……(杨佩瑾《剑》160) The motor-cycle bumped along the uneven road,and his heart lurched sickeningly with each bump. ❍ 无奈这 “归马于华山之阳”,竟踏坏了他们的梦境,使两个人的心里,从此都有些~起来。(鲁迅《故事新编》58) This grazing of horses on the southern slope of Mount Hua had shattered their dream,filling them both with misgivings. ❍ 我这阵心里~的不安生,只有稀里哗啦地干起来,我这心跳劲才能收煞!(杜鹏程《保卫延安》65) My heart is beating like mad. It won’t go back to normal till we rip into the enemy!/但是,第一次见他拿枪背刀的八路军,心里还是十五个吊桶~,并没有一下把心放下来。(冯志《敌后武工队》380) But still he was afraid of the gun-toting Eighth Routers,and his heart pounded. 七上八下qi shang ba xiaseven buckets coming up and eight buckets going down—be perturbed 七上八下be in a nervous state of mind;be on tenterhooks; be on pins and needles;be perturbed or agitated 七上八下qī shànɡ bā xià形容心中慌乱不安。be perturbed, be jittery, be agitated |