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Ⅰ ❶ (成年男子) man:成 ~ reach manhood;
壮 ~ able-bodied man
❷ (人口) member of a family;population:~ 口 population;
添 ~ have a baby born into the family
❸ (从事某些职业的人) a person engaged in a certain occupation:园 ~ gardener
❹ (天干的第四位) the fourth of the ten Heavenly Stems
❺ (蔬菜、肉类等切成的小块) small cubes of meat or vegetable;cubes:黄瓜 ~ diced cucumber;
辣子肉 ~ diced pork with hot pepper
❻ (姓氏) a surname:~ 玲 Ding Ling Ⅱ (第四) fourth:~ 等 the fourth grade;grade D;~ 种维生素 vitamin D Ⅲ [书] (遭遇;碰到) encounter;incur;meet with;run into
另见 see also zhēnɡ。
◆丁坝 groin;groyne;jetty;spur dike;spur;wing dam;pier;
丁村人 Dingcun Man,a type of primitive man of about 100,000 years ago whose fossil remains were found in Dingcun,Shanxi Province,in 1954;丁当 ding-dong;jingle;clatter;tinkle;
丁点儿 [方] a tiny bit;
丁冬[东](响) tinkle;dingdong;
丁零 tinkle;jingle;
丁零当郎 jingle jangle;cling-clang;
丁宁[叮咛] urge again and again;give repeated exhortations;warn;exhort;
丁宁周至 give thoughtful advice;
丁是丁,卯是卯 be conscientious and meticulous;a nail is a nail,a dowel is a dowel;be precise;be strict;give close attention to one's work,with care and discrimination in the choice of means;
丁酸 {有化} butyric acid;butanoic acid;ethyl acetic acid;propylformic acid;
丁烷 {有化} butane;
丁烯 {有化} butylene;butene;
丁酰 butyryl;
丁香 {植} Syzygium aromaticum;clove;lilac;
丁字 T-shaped;
丁字形 T-shaped;tee-heeded


(构词成分): ~ ~ [- zhēnɡ] [书] (形容伐木、下棋、弹琴等声音) the sound of chopping wood, plucking the strings of a musical instrument, etc.: 伐木 ~ ~。 Clang, clang goes the woodman's axe.
另见 see also dīnɡ。
◆丁丁 [书] clang; clank

the fourth of the ten Heavenly Stems


furuncle; boil





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