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(三加一后所得) four: 第 ~ 卷 Volume Four; the Fourth Volume; ~ 分之一 a quarter; one-fourth; ~ 号 Number Four; ~ 岁的孩子 a child of four; 那匹马跳过小溪, ~ 脚落地。 The horse jumped the stream and landed on all fours. Ⅱ ❶ {音} (中国民族音乐音阶上的一级) a note of the scale in gongchepu (工尺谱), corresponding to 6 in numbered musical notation
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 晖 Si Hui
◆四倍 quatuor;
四边 four sides; all sides;
四边形 quadrilateral; tetragonum; quadrangle;
四不像 {动} David's deer; mi-lu; nondescript; neither fish nor fowl;
四重 quadruple;
四重奏 {音} (instrumental) quartet;
四处 all around; in all directions; everywhere;
四川 Sichuan (Province);
四挡 fourth speed; fourth speed gear;
四方 the four directions; all sides; square; cubic;
四分五裂 be split; be disintegrating; be rent by disunity; be scattered and disunited; be torn apart; break into pieces; come to pieces; fall apart; split into many parts; split up;
四分之一 one fourth; quarter; a quarter; one quarter; fardel; quartern; tetart-tetarto (tetartohedral);
四个现代化 the four modernizations (modernization of agriculture, industry, national defence and science and techno ̄ logy);
四顾 look around;
四海 the four seas; the whole country; the whole world;
四海为家 feel at home wherever one goes; lead a wandering life; make one's (happy) home everywhere; make one's home wherever one is; settle down [make one's home] anywhere within the four seas; settle down in any corner of world for certain cause; wander about the world;
四海之内皆兄弟 Within the four seas all men are brothers.; All men between the Four Seas should be brothers!; All within the four seas are brothers.; All the people of the world are brothers.;
四害 the four pests (rat; bedbug; fly; mosquitoes);
四合院 siheyuan — a compound with traditional Chinese houses of greybricks and tiles built around a courtyard; Chinese traditional rectangular courtyard; quadrangle; a courtyard with houses on four sides; a compound with houses around a courtyard;
四环素 {药} cyclomycin; sanclomycin; steclin; ambramycin; polycycline; tetracin; tetracycline;
四级考试 Band Four Test; 四极管 {无} tetrode; quadrode; four-electrode tube; four-element tube;
四季 the four seasons; all the year round; at all seasons(spring; summer; autumn [fall]; winter);
四郊 suburbs; outskirts;
四郊多垒 many barracks around the outskirts; the situation being very dangerous, with enemy forces closing in from all sides;
四脚蛇 lizard; Moloch;“四旧” the“four olds” (old ideas, old culture, old customs and old habits);
四开 {刷} quarto;
四邻 one's near neighbours;
四邻八舍 all the neighbouring households;
四六风 {医} umbilical tetanus of newborn babies;
四六体 a euphuistic style of parallel constructions known esp. for pairs of sentances of four and six characters;
四轮 four wheels; four- wheel; four-wheeled; “四美” Four Points of Beauty (meaning beautification of the mind, language, behaviour and environment);
四面 (on) four sides; (on) all sides; all round;
四面八方 from all sides; all around; all directions; all quarters; far and near; from all quarters; in all directions; in [from] every direction; on all sides; on every side; on the four sides and eight directions;
四面出击 hit out in all directions; make attacks in all directions;
四面楚歌 be besieged on all sides (and completely isolated); be amidst enemies; be assailed on all sides; be coerced and urged on all sides; be under attack from all directions;
四面受敌 be under attack from all directions; be exposed to enemy attacks on all sides;
四清运动 (1963-1966) socialist education campaign to overhaul political, economic, organizational and ideological matters; socialist education movement of “four purifications” in the fields of politics, ideology, organization and economy; socialist education movement to clean things up in the fields of politics, ideology, organization and economy; “four clean-ups” movement;“四人帮” “gang of four”;四散 scatter [disperse] in all directions; scatter about;
四舍五入 {数} rounding; half adjust; round-up; omitting decimal fractions smaller than 0.5 and counting all others, including 0.5, as 1; round; to the nearest whole number;
四声 {语} the four tones of classical Chinese phonetics; the four tones of modern standard Chinese pronunciation;
四时 the four seasons;
四世同堂 four generations under one roof;
四书 The Four Books (《大学》The Great Learning; 《中庸》The Doctrine of the Mean; 《论语》 The Analects of Confucius; 《孟子》 Mencius);
四四方方 having the shape of a real square;
四体 the four limbs; arms and legs;
四体不勤, 五谷不分 can neither do physical work nor distinguish rice from wheat; can neither use one's four limbs nor tell the five grains apart (said of old-style intellectuals); take no part in physical labour and know nothing about grain; said of old-time intellectuals who have divorced themselves from productive labour;
四通八达 lead in all directions; accessible from all directions; extend in all directions; open on all sides (as a road); open out on all sides (as a passage); reaching out in all directions; with great facilities of communication;
四外 all around; everywhere;
四围 all around;
四维 four-dimensional; of four dimensions;
四下里 around; round; everywhere; all around; in all directions;
四乡 suburbs; outskirts;
四项基本原则 the four cardinal principles; Four Fundamental Principles (the socialist road; the people's democratic dictatorship;Marxism- Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought; the leadership of the Communist Party of China);
四野 the surrounding country; a vast expanse of open ground;“四有” “Four Haves” (have revolutionary ideals, sound morals, good education and a strong sense of discipline);
四月 April; the fourth month of the lunar year; the fourth moon;
四则 {数} the four fundamental operations of arithmetic (addition; subtraction; multiplication; division);
四肢 the four limbs; arms and legs; all fours;
四周 all around





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