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单词 一丝不苟

一丝不苟yī sī bù gǒu

be conscientious and meticulous;be meticulously attentive; be scrupulous about every detail; carefully and thoroughly;down to the smallest detail; go into minute details; not be the least bit negligent; to the dot of an i; with conscientious thoroughness; with meticulous care
❍ 就象许多在部队里长大的“小鬼” 那样,这位年青英武的侦察队长,浑身都充满了老战士那种~、深思熟虑和机敏果断的气质。(杨佩瑾《剑》3) Like other young fellowsbrought up in the army,this reconnaissance unit leader was every inch a veteran,careful,far-sighted,resourceful and yet decisively resolute.
❍ 几十年来,他总是兢兢业业,~,废寝忘食,日以继夜,经常工作到清晨。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》Ⅰ—22) Over the years,he always worked hard,carefully and thoroughly,often to the neglect of his meals or sleep.It was quite common for him to stay up till dawn.
❍ 女郎的步子应该怎样把两腿交互着走咯,拈着手帕的那只手应该怎样搭在腰间咯,眼光应该怎样传送秋波咯,声音应该怎样摇曳生姿咯;他们都~地陈说着……(叶圣陶《倪焕之》123) Whether it was a question of how to put one foot in front of the other in order to imitate a girl’s walk,how the hand holding the handkerchief should be rested against the waist,how to flash the eyes,or how to make the voice more attractive with the aid of tremolo: whatever it was they would explain it fully.…/上司访知,见世叔~,升迁就在指日。(《儒林外史》60)When your superiors see how incorruptible you are,your promotion will be assured.
❍ 这种~的精神使起草文件的同志受到很大的教育。(《敬爱的周总理我们永远怀念您》 Ⅰ —240) Such meticulous care and spirit deeply moved the comrades who wrote these drafts.
❍ 她把眼睛睁得大大的,~地接着头。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—296) She strained to keep her eyes wide open and continued mending the broken threads with con scientious thoroughness.


scrupulous about every detail;conscientious and meticulous; with meticulous care;in a careful and serious manner

一丝不苟yī sī bù ɡǒu

苟:苟且,马虎。一点也不马虎。形容工作认真、仔细。go into minute details, dot one’s (the) i ’s and cross one’s (the) t’s, be conscientious and meticulous, with meticulous care





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