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❶ (最小的正整数) one: ~ 百公斤 one hundred kilogram; ~ 本书 a book; ~ 营 ~ 连 the First Company of the First Battalion; ~ 万 ~ eleven thousand; 我见过她 ~ 次。 I have met her once. 在大连大学时他比我高 ~ 班。 He was in a class ahead of me at Dalian University.
❷ (同一) same: ~ 根藤上的苦瓜 bitter gourds from the same vine; people with a similar bitter past; ~ 码事 the same thing; 意见不 ~。 Opinions differ. 咱们是 ~ 家人。 We are of the same family.
❸ (另一) also; otherwise: 汞溴红 ~ 名红汞。 Merbromin is also known as mercurochrome.
❹ (全; 满) whole; all; throughout: ~ 冬 the whole winter; all winter; throughout the winter; ~ 脸的土 one's face covered with dust; ~ 天星斗 a star-studded sky; 他们游泳游了 ~ 下午。 They swam all afternoon. ~ 屋子的人都欢腾起来。 Everybody in the room was overjoyed.
❺ (专一) concentrated; wholehearted: ~ 心 ~ 意 heart and soul; wholeheartedly
❻ (单一; 唯一) single; alone; only one: ~ 枪就打中了目标 hit the target with a single shot; 你 ~ 个人行吗? Can you manage all by yourself? 她 ~ 个人去了。 She went alone.
❼ (表示动作是一次或短暂的): 等 ~ 等 wait a bit; 咳 ~ 声 give a cough; 瞧 ~ 眼 take a look; 笑 ~ 笑 give a smile; 歇 ~ 歇 have a rest
❽ (每一) each; per; every time: 四个小组, ~ 组五人 four groups with five people in each; ~ 日三餐 tree meals a day; ~ 小时九十公里 at 90 kilometres per hour; ~ 桌十人 ten persons a table; 大家 ~ 提起那艰苦创业的日子, 总有说不完的话。 Every time we talk about the hard pioneering days, we have so much to say that we can't get it all out.
❾ (用在动词或动量词前面, 表示先做某个动作, 下文说明动作结果): ~ 跳跳了过去 get over in one jump; 经他这么 ~ 说, 大家又都有信心了。 This explanation of his restored our confidence. 他 ~ 脚把球踢进了球门。 He kicked the ball into the goal.; He kicked a goal. Ⅱ (一旦; 一经) once; as soon as: ~ 见不忘。 Once seen, never forgotten. 你 ~ 看就会清楚的。 You will be clear about it as soon as you look at it. 天 ~ 亮他们就下地干活去了。 At dawn they started off to work in the fields. ~ 做好准备, 就破土动工。 Construction will begin as soon as preparations are completed. Ⅲ [书] (用在某些词前加强语气): ~ 似瓮中捉鳖 be as easy as catching a turtle in a jar; 事态之严重 ~ 至于此! To think that things should have come to such a pass! Ⅳ {音} (中国民族音乐音阶上的一级) a note of the scale in gongchepu (工尺谱),corresponding to in numbered musical notation 【注意】 “一” 字单用或在一词一句末尾念第一声(阴平)。 在第四声(去声)字前念第二声(阳平), 如“一半” [yí bàn]; “一共” [yí ɡònɡ]。 在第一、 二、 三声 (阴平、 阳平、 上声) 字前念第四声(去声), 如“一天” [yì tiān]; “一年”[yì nián]; “一点” [yì diǎn]。
◆一把手 partner; participant; a member; a hand; a good hand; able man; head; chief; first in command; number one man; 一把抓 take everything into one's own hands; try to tackle all problems at once regardless of their relative importance; fail to put first things first; 一败如水 be defeated completely in battle; a complete debade; a crushing defeat; be utterly routed; fail completely; fall to the ground; sustain a crushing defeat; 一班人 members of a squad — a small body of people working together; 一般 same as; just like; sort; kind; general; ordinary; common; 一般化 vague generalization; 一般性 generality; common quality; 一板一眼 every rhythm (in music or singing); be methodical in speech or action; following a prescribed [given] pattern in speech [action]; 一半 one half; half; in part; 一半天 in a day or two; 一帮 a gang; a band; 一报还一报 requite [return] like for like; back in his own coin; eye for eye; give sb. a Roland for an Oliver; like for like; measure for measure; tit for tat; tooth for tooth; 一辈子 all one's life; throughout one's life; as long as one lives; a lifetime; 一本万利 gain ten thousand percent; A small investment brings a ten thousand-fold profit.; make big profits with a small capital; 一本正经 be poker-faced; become serious; humourless; in all seriousness; in dead [sad] earnest; look prim and proper; maintain an air of complete respectability; put on an air of a serious manner; solemn; take...seriously; 一鼻孔出气 say exactly the same thing (by collusion); be in tune with; breathe in the same way; 一鼻子灰 meet rejection; be rebuffed; run into a stone wall; 一笔勾销 cancel once for all; all canceled; abolish at one stroke; all that's past and done with; be blasted at one stroke; cancel by a stroke of pen; clean [wipe off] the slate; 一壁 [书] at the same time; simultaneously; 一臂之力 a helping hand; give sb. a leg up; lend a hand [an arm]; mite; 一边 one side; by the side; beside; aside; while; as; at the same time; simultaneously; 一边倒 lean to one side; side with sb. without reservation; predominate; enjoy overwhelming superiority; 一表人才 a man of striking appearance; a fine- looking man; with the appearance of a talent; 一并 all; wholly; at the same time; along with all the others; in the lump; 一波三折 striking one snag after another; a series of frustrations; full of twists and turns or ups and downs; throw many obstacles in the way; tortuous and undulatory; with turns and twists; with unexpected changes; with ups and downs; 一波未平, 一波又起 One cevent succeeds another.; A new wave arises when the previous one has barely subsided.; 一不怕苦, 二不怕死 fear neither hardship nor death; be afraid of neither hardships nor death; defy hardships and death; 一不做, 二不休 stick to a thing once begun; carry a thing through, whatever the consequences; 一步登天 reach the sky in a single bound — attain the highest level in one step; a sudden rise in life; be down overnight; have a meteoric rise; reach Heavens at a single bound; 一层 a layer or deck; one story or floor (of a multi-story building); a stratum; a bed; 一差二错 possible mistake or mishap; one or two mistakes; unexpected happenings; 一刹那 in a moment; in a split second; 一 [方] without exception; one and all; 一场春梦 a fleeting illusion; a dream in spring; a pipe dream; a spring dream; dream of springtide; merely a spring dream; only a transient joy; 一场空 come to naught; all in vain; futile; 一倡百和 One person proposes and a hundred others respond.; all following one leader; One leads, and the rest follow (as in a chorus); 一朝天子一朝臣 Every emperor has a cabinet composed of his own favorites.; A change of sovereign brings a change of ministers.; A new chief brings in new aides.; 一尘不染 maintain one's original pure character; as clean [neat] as a (new) pin; be spotlessly clean; free from dust; maintain personal integrity (during chaotic times); not be contaminated by the world; not to be stained [soiled] with [by] a particle [speck] of dust; remain uncontaminated; spotless; There is not a speck of dust.; 一成不变 immutable and frozen; be immutable; changeless; cut and dried; fixed and unchangeable; hard and fast (formula etc,); inflexible; invariable; unchangeable; 一筹莫展 be nonplussed over sth.; at a loss what to do; be at one's wits' end; 一触即发 be triggered at any moment; an explosive point [situation]; be on the verge of breaking out; 一传十, 十传百 spread from mouth to mouth; get around very quickly; 一锤定音 set the tune with one beat of the gong — give the final word; 一词多义 polysemy; 一次 once; {数} linear; {电} primary; 一蹴而就 accomplish at one stroke [move]; accomplish one's aim in one move; at one stroke; be done at one kick; be reached at a single leap; expect results overnight, with one bound; reach the goal in one step; strike off; 一寸光阴一寸金 An inch of time is worth an inch of gold.; Every second counts.; Time is gold.; Time is money.; Time is precious.; 一打 a dozen; 一打一拉 hit and wheedle by turns; strike and stroke alternately [by turns]; use hard and soft (tactics); use the stick and the carrot; 一代 generation; 一旦 in a single day; in a very short time; once; in case; now that; 一刀两断 make a clean break with; break off all relations with; break with ... once for all; cut in two with one stroke of the knife; cut the (Gordian) knot; sever with [at] one blow [one stroke]; “一刀切” rigid uniformity; a clean cut; cut flush; find a single solution (for all problems); 一道 together; on the same path; side by side; alongside; a; one; 一得之功 occasional success; a minor success; 一得之愚 a small opinion that might be suggestive; my humble opinion; 一等 first-class; first- rate; top-grade; top-notch; 一点 a little; a few; some; in a way; to some extent; partial; 一点论 {哲} the doctrine that everything has only one aspect; the doctrine affirming only one respect; 一点一滴 every little bit; bit by bit; 一定 fixed; established; regular; definite; constant; surely; certainly; be bound to; necessarily; certain; specific; given; proper; fair; due; 一度 once; at one time; for a time; on one occasion; 一端 one respect; one aspect of the matter; one side of the matter; one end; 一二 one or two; just a few; just a little; 一二·九运动 the December 9th Movement (a demonstration staged on December 9, 1935 by Beijing students under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, calling for resistance to Japanese aggression and national salvation); 一发 even; together; a round (of ammunition); outbreak (of disease; crisis, etc.); 一发千钧 hang on by the eyelids; a hundredweight hanging by a hair; 一帆风顺 Everything is going smoothly.; have a favorable wind throughout the voyage; smooth [plain] sailing; 一方 one side; a party; an area or region; 一方面 one side; for one thing..., for another...; on the one hand..., on the other hand...; 一分为二 One divides into two.; bisect; divide into [in] two; rend in two; see both sb.'s good points and shortcomings; 一风吹 scatter to the winds; dismiss altogether; cancel the whole thing; 一夫当关, 万夫莫开 One man can hold out against ten thousand.; a pass that one man can hold against ten thousand; If one man guards the pass, ten thousand are unable to get through.; One man can hold back all of the enemy forces.; 一夫多妻制 polygamy; polygyny; plural marriage; 一夫一妻制 monogamy; monogyny; 一概 all; without exception; one and all; totally; categorically; 一概而论 lump together; lump under one head; make sweeping generalizations; take in the lump; treat different things [problems; matters] as the same; 一干 all that are involved; 一干二净 clean out completely; all finished, cleared up without remainder; as clean as penny; 一竿到底 thrust the bamboo rod to the very bottom of the pool; carry sth. down to the grassroots level; 一个巴掌拍不响 It takes two to make a quarrel.; One hand alone can't clap.; One palm cannot clap.; You can't clap with one hand.; 一个劲儿 continuously; persistently; 一个萝卜一个坑 Each has his own task, and there is nobody to spare.; One radish, one hole.; 一个心眼(儿) have one's heart set on sth.; be all of one mind; devotedly; have only heart (towards ...); wholeheartedly; stubbornly; inflexibly; 一共 altogether; in all; all told; 一鼓作气 get sth. done in one vigorous effort; accomplish with one effort; at one fling; At the first drum courage is aroused.; be stimulated at the sound of the first drum; brace one's nerve for an effort; 一股[古]脑儿 [方] altogether; all in one package; completely; lock, stock and barrel; neck and crop; root and branch; the devil and all; the whole lot altogether; 一贯 from beginning to end; unswerving; consistent; persistent; all along; 一国两制 one nation, two systems; the “one country, two system” policy; 一呼百喏 One command draws a hundred answers.; a hundred responses to a call; 一呼百应 a hundred responses to a (single) call; be able to rally multitudes at one's call; get ready to go into action in (their) hundreds; Multitudes respond to sb.'s call.; 一环扣一环 closely linked; one ring linked with another; 一晃 flash; 一晃 (of time) pass in a flash; 一挥而就 just a flourish of the pen and it's done; dash off in a flash; 一回生, 二回熟 First meeting, strangers; second meeting, old friends.; Strangers the first time, friends the second.; The first time strangers, the second time acquaintances; awkward at first, but easy afterwards; difficult at first but easy later on; 一回事 one and the same (thing); one thing; 一会儿 a little while; in a while; in an instant; in a moment; presently; soon; now... now...; one moment... the next...; 一级 one-level; Class A; senior grade; Super Fine; Extra Superfine; Fully Good; first order; 一级教师 the first-grade teacher; 一己 (自身) self; oneself; 一技之长 proficiency in a particular line; a single skill; be skilled in some kind of work; 一家人 all of the same family; one family; 一价 monovalence; univalency; 一见如故 feel like old friends at the first meeting; be like old friends from the start; take to each other at once; 一见钟情 fall in love at first sight; fall in love with sb. the first time one set one's eyes on sb.; 一箭双雕 kill two birds with one stone [arrow]; achieve two things at one stroke; succeed in doing two things by only one action; 一箭之地 a stone's throw; a bowshot; a short distance; 一将功成万骨枯 What millions died that Caesar might be great!; A general builds his success on ten thousand bleaching bones.; 一阶 first order; 一经 as soon as; once; immediately after; 一...就... no sooner... than...; the moment...; as soon as; once; 一举 with one action; at one stroke; at one fell swoop; at the first try; 一举两得 shoot two hawks with one arrow; achieve two things at one stroke; butter both sides of one's bread; get a double advantage; get two results from one effort; kill two birds with one stone; serve two ends; serve a double purpose; 一举一动 every [any] movement [action; move]; every act and every move; each and every move; every particular gesture and behavior; 一蹶不振 unable to get up after a fall; be lost without resources; collapse after one setback; never to recover from a setback; 一决雌雄 fight a decisive battle; compete for championship; try the test of battle; 一口 with certainty; readily; flatly; pure; 一口气 one breath; in one breath; without a break; at one go; at a stretch; 一块儿 at the same place; together; 一揽子 wholesale; package; 一览 general survey; bird's-eye view; 一览表 list; chart; table; schedule; table-look-up; data sheet; general table; compendium; 一劳永逸 put things right once and for all; be efficacious forever; get sth. done once (and) for all; 一力 do one's best; do all one can; 一连 in a row; in succession; running; 一连串 a succession of; a series of; a string of; a chain of; round; 一了百了 One finished, all is finished.; All troubles end when the main trouble ends.; As the main item has been solved, all the rest items are therefore solved; Death ends all one's troubles.; 一鳞半爪 odds and ends; dribs and drabs; fragments; here a little, there a little; just a few known details of a larger whole; odd bits; 一流 first-rate; classic; 一流服务 first-class service; 一溜儿 [方] row; neighbourhood; vicinity; 一溜歪斜 [方] (walk, etc.) unsteadily in a zigzag; 一溜烟儿 flee like a breath of vapour; (slink) away and disappear; 一路 all the way; throughout the journey; of the same kind; go the same way; take the same route; single file; 一路货色 be of the same mould [stock; kind; brand; stripe]; 一路平安 May you be safe throughout the journey; 一律 same; alike; uniform; all; without exception; 一落千丈 suffer a disastrous decline; a great fall; a precipitate [great; terrific] drop; 一马当先 take the lead; be foremost in the fight; be in the foremost rank; be in the forefront; gallop at the head; lead the way; race at the head of; ride the fore-horse; rush forward in front of others; 一脉相传[承] come down in one (continuous) line; a direct line of succession; be traced to the same origin; 一毛不拔 too stingy to pull out a hair; as mean as a miser; extremely stingy; not to give a cent to; not to give away even a hair; not to lift a finger to help; 一面 one side; one section; one aspect; at the same time; simultaneously; 一鸣惊人 set the Thames [the world] on fire; amaze the world with a single brilliant feat; make [pull off] a great coup; make one's mark at the first shot; surprise the people with one's first success; zip across the horizon; 一命呜呼 die; alas, it is sad indeed; alas, (sb. is) dead and gone; breathe out one's life; 一模一样 as like as two peas; cast in the same mould; striking resemblances (between); 一目了然 stick out a mile; be absolutely clear; be clear at a glance; carry on its face; come into plain view; 一男半女 one or two offsprings; 一年生 {植} annual; ephemeral; 一年四季 at all seasons; all the year round; four seasons of the year; throughout the year; 一念之差 a wrong thought in passing; a great mistake made in a moment of weak ̄ ness; 一诺千金 A promise is weightier than one thousand bars of gold.; 一拍即合 fit in easily [readily] with; become good freinds after brief contact; chime in easily; click; quickly become partners; 一盘散沙 lacking spirit of cooperation; a heap of loose sand; a sheet [tray] of loose sand; disunited; in a state of disunity; utterly lacking cohesion; 一旁 one side; by the side of; on the sideline; 一瞥 blink; a quick glance; a glimpse; a brief survey; 一贫如洗 (as) poor as Job; be in utter destitution; be reduced to a state of poverty; live in dire poverty; own nothing but one's naked skin; penniless; poor and bare to the bones; 一品夫人 the wife of a highest- ranking official in ancient China; 一平二调 equali ̄ tarianism prevailed and human and material resources were transferred without regard to actual collectives to which they belonged; 一曝十寒 expose sth. to sunheat for one day and to cold for ten days; One scorch and ten colds.; 一妻多夫制 polyandry; 一齐 at the same time; in unison; simultaneously; together; 一起 in the same place; together; in company; [方] altogether; in all; 一气 at one go; without a break; at a stretch; without stop; of the same gang; hand in glove; a spell; a fit; set angry; 一气呵成 make smooth reading; read [practise] from beginning to end without stopping; write at one stretch; accomplish sth. at a stretch; accomplish a composition in one breath; at one fling; get sth. done at one go [without a let-up]; say quickly, without having to stop to think; 一窍不通 be utterly ignorant of; an absolute blockhead; be a complete ignoramus; 一切 all; every; everything; 一清二楚 be crystal clear; as clear as daylight [day]; as clear as noon; as plain as the nose in your face; explicit; patently; perfectly clear; 一穷二白 be poor and blank; economically poor and culturally blank; poverty and blankness; 一丘之貉 be tarred with the same brush [stick]; be jackals of [from] the same lair; be a bird of the same feather; people of the same ilk; 一任 [书] allow; let (sb. do as he pleases); 一日不见, 如隔三秋 A day away from a dear one is like three seasons [years].; Absence makes the heart grow fonder.; 一日千里 a thousand li a day; advance at a high speed; advance at a tremendous pace; at a seven league strides; at a tremendous pace; fast improvement; sevenleague strides; tremendous forward strides; with giant strides; 一日三秋 Days creep by like years; A day seems as long as three years; 一日为师, 终身为师 He who teaches me for one day is my teacher for life.; 一日之长 a little bit more capable than others; 一日之雅 a day's acquaintance; the pleasure of a day spent together; 一如 be just like; 一如既往 as in the past; as always; as before; as ever; carry on as usual; continue as before; 一色 of the same colour; of one colour; shade; of the same type; uniform; 一身 the whole body; all over the body; a suit; all alone; concerning one person only; a single person; 一身两役 serve in a dual capacity; hold two jobs at the same time; 一身是胆 be brave all through; be absolutely fearless; 一生 a lifetime; all one's life; throughout one's life; 一生一世 one's whole life; in all one's life; 一失足成千古恨 A single slip can cause a lasting sorrow.; A false step may cause a lifelong regret.; A wrong step results in eternal regret.; 一石二鸟 kill two birds with one stone; 一时 for a short while; temporary; momentary; a period of time; 一时半刻 a little while; a short time; in a short duration; temporarily; 一时一刻 (not to stop) for a single second; for a single moment; 一事 [方] be related (organizationally or professionally); belong to the same organization; 一事无成 without a single success; achieve [accomplish] nothing; 一视同仁 make no exception; act fairly to all men; extend the same treatment to all; give equal treatment to; not to make chalk of one and cheese of the other; treat all men alike; 一手 proficiency; skill; trick; move; single-handed; all by oneself; all alone; 一手包办 take everything on oneself; be stage-managed by sb.; control exclusively; keep everything in one's own hands; monopolize; stage-manage single-handedly; 一手硬一手软 promote one thing and neglect another at the same time; 一手遮天 shut out the heavens with one palm [hand]; cover the sky with one hand; hide the truth from the masses; 一瞬 an instant; a flash; the twinkling of an eye; 一丝不挂 in nature's garb; be in the nude; have nothing on; in one's birthday suit; in the altoge ̄ ther; 一丝不苟 be strict in one's demands; be conscientious and meticulous; dot the i's and cross the t's; 一塌糊涂 in a complete mess [muddle]; a confused state of affairs; a hell of mess; a pretty kettle of fish; in an awful state; in utter disorder; make a mess of; make hay of; 一套 one's set way; convention; the same stuff; a set; a flat; a suite; a suit; 一体 an organic [integral] whole; all people concerned; to a man; 一体化 integration; unify; 一天 a day; one day; [方] the whole day; all day (long); from morning till night; 一条龙 conglomeration; one continuous line; a connected sequence; a coordinated process; 一条龙服务 conglomerative service; cordinated service; 一条心 be of one mind; be at one; 一通百通 By knowing one method you will know all.; grasp this one thing and you will grasp everything; master one and you'll master a hundred; sort this one thing out and you'll sort out all the rest; 一同 together with; in the company of; together; at the same time and place; 一统 unify; unite; integrate; unitary; 一头 a head (covered with gray hair, dust, skin, ailments, etc.); a head (of cattle, hog, mule, etc.); end; [方] side; gang; directly; headlong; along with sth. else; 一头儿沉 [方] heavy- at-one-end; a desk with a cupboard or drawers at one end; be partial (in mediation); 一吐为快 get it off one's chest; have to get it off one's chest; 一团和气 keep on good terms (with everyone of the expense of principle); 一团漆黑 one mass of black with no distinguishable objects; be completely in the dark; be entirely ignorant of; pitch-dark; utterly hopeless; 一团糟 mess; a complete mess; a chaotic state; chaos; 一退六二五 evade [deny] all responsibility; shirk one's responsibility shuffle off completely; 一碗水端平 level; 一网打尽 catch all in one draft [dragnet]; All (the enemy) are trapped.; capture all in one net; make a clean sweep; make wholesale arrests of; 一往情深 be passionately devoted; be head over heels in love; cherish a deep-seated affection for sb. or sth.; fall deeply in love with; 一往无前 press forward with indomitable will; go straight with an indomitable spirit; 一望无际[垠] stretch as far as eye can see; be vast in extent; 一味 blindly; 一文不名 be penniless; be cleaned out; not have a feather to fly with; not to have a bean; not to have a shilling [penny] in the world; not a shot in the locker; without a penny to one's name; 一文不值 not to be worth a hair [farthing; stiver; penny; groat; fillip; fig]; 一问三不知 deny all knowledge of an event; be entirely ignorant; not knowing a thing; shake one's head in answer to all quesions; say “I don't know” to every question; 一窝蜂 like a swarm of bees; do something in a confused manner; 一无是处 Nothing is right.; absolutely without merit; be good for nothing; 一无所长 Jack of all trades and master of none; have no special skill; 一无所知 know nothing at all; be absolutely ignorant of; 一五一十 relate in detail; count by fives and tens; enumerate on and on; from the very beginning; in detail; 一息尚存 so long as this breath is left — alive; as long as one lives; (as long as) one has breath in one's body; 一席话 what one says during a conversation; 一系列 series; tail; round; a series of; a train of; 一下 one time; once; in a short while; all at once; all of a sudden; 一线 a thread; a ray of; a gleam of; 一厢[相]情愿 wishful thinking; base on [indulge in] one's own wishful thinking; one-sided wish; Only one party is willing.; single consent; unilateral willingness; wishful thinking of one's own; 一向 earlier on; lately; consistently; all along; 一小撮 a handful; 一小儿 [方] from childhood; as a child; 一笑置之 laugh out of court; carry off with a laugh; chuckle over [at] sth.; dismiss with a laugh [smile]; 一些 a number of; certain; some; a few; feck; a little; 一泻千里 water rushes down and covers hundreds of miles of land; flow down vigorously; 一心 wholeheartedly; heart and soul; of one mind; at one; 一心一意 put one's whole heart into; apply [bend] the mind to; be bent wholeheartedly on; be engrassed in; devote oneself wholly to; give one's whole mind to; 一心一德 wholeheartedly and faithfully; be of one heart and one mind; spirit of solidarity; unite as one; with one heart and one mind; with united will; 一星半点 a tiny bit; a bit of; a few; a little; a very small amount; just a little; 一行 a group travelling together; party; 一言既出, 驷马难追 A promise cannot be taken back once it is made.; A word once out of the mouth cannot be overtaken by swift horses.; One's promise has been given and repentance is now too late.; What is said cannot be unsaid.; 一言难尽 It would take too long to tell that in full.; difficult to embody in a single sentence; difficult to put in a nutshell; hard to explain all in just a few words; 一言堂 What I say goes.; One person alone has the say.; deciding everything by one man's say; 一言为定 That's settled then.; A promise is a promise.; 一言以蔽之 to sum up in a word; briefly; in a nutshell; in one word; in short; to make a long story short; to sum it up; summarize in a word; 一眼 a glance; 一氧化碳 {化} carbon monoxide; white damp; 一氧化物 monoxide; 一样 the same; equally; alike; as... as; 一叶蔽[障]目 shade the eyes with a leaf; A single leaf before the eye obstructs one's vision.; 一叶知秋 One falling leaf is indicative of the coming of autumn.; A small sign can indicate a great trend.; 一衣带水 a narrow strip of water; a river like a belt in width; be connected by a stream; 一意孤行 persist in wilfully and arbitrarily; act arbitrarily; act in disregard of other people's opinions; 一应 all; everything; 一应俱全 Goods are available in all varieties.; available in all varieties; complete in every line; complete with everything; 一拥而上 rush forward; dash up; come forth with a rush; rush up in a crowd; throw oneself forward; 一隅 a corner; 一语道破 puncture a fallacy with one remark; blurt out the truth; clear up the matter in a single sentence; dispose of with one word; 一语破的 hit the nail on the head; clean up the matter in a single sentence; come to the point; hit the mark with a single comment; hit the target with one remark; 一语双关 a phrase with a double meaning; a word of double meaning; a double-edged remark; mean more than the word tells; pun on a word; punny; 一元化 centralized; unified; 一元化体制 unified system; 一元论 {哲} monism; {免疫} monophyletic theory; 一元酸 monobasic acid; monacid; monoacid; monoato ̄ mic acid; 一院制 unicameral system; unicameral legislature; one chamber legislature; 一月 January; the first month of the lunar year; one month; 一早 [口] early in the morning; 一张一驰 stretched and relaxed; alternate tension with relaxation; alternately tighten and relax the bow string; tense up and relax alternately; 一长制 Director assumes overall management responsibility.; system of one-man leadership; system of placing responsibility solely on factory director; one-man management; 一朝 in one day; once; 一朝被蛇咬, 三年怕井绳 A man once bitten by a snake will for three years shy at a rope.; A burnt child dreads the fire.; He is so cowed that he sees a venomous viper in a harmless bit of rope.; Once bitten, twice shy.; 一朝一夕 a short duration of time; in one day; in one morning or evening; overnight; 一针见血 pierce [get] to the truth with a single pertinent remark; draw blood with one prick; go straight [right] to the heart of the matter; hit the (right) nail on the head; make a pointed remark; 一枕黄梁 a fond [vain] dream; a brief dream of grandeur; a Golden Millet Dream; an evanescente dream; One's fond dream comes to naught.; the yellow millet dream; 一阵 a burst; a fit; a puff; a peal; 一直 straight; straight forward; continu ̄ ously; always; all along; all the way; constantly; 一纸空文 a mere scrap of paper; a bit of waste paper; (just) a useless scrap of paper; empty phrases on a scrap of waste paper; empty words on a sheet of paper; in a mere sheet of document; remain a dead letter; 一致 fit; showing no difference; identical; unanimous; consistent; in accordance with; in accord; agreed; in keeping with; interconsistency; coincide; uniform; 一掷千金 gamble at high stakes; stake a thousand taels of silver at one throw; spend gold on one throw; stake tens of thousands of cash in one throw of the dice; spend a big sum of money lavishly; spend money like water; spend money recklessly [extravagantly]; throw away money like dirt; 一周 a week; a revolution; a circle; a cycle; 一专多能 good at many things and expert in one; become expert in one field while possessing all-round knowledge and ability; 一准 sure; surely; certainly; 一字褒贬 praise or criticize with a single word; give expression of praise or censure by using just one word; praise with a single word; 一字长蛇阵 single-line battle array; 一字千钧 One word weighs a thousand kilograms.; 一总 altogether; all told; in all; all; 一醉方休 get good and drunk; drink till all's blue





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