n. a spot or mark on a card纸牌上的 一个点或花儿。
△Shr.1.2.33:“a peep out”. 错了一点。
vi. show one's face. appear,be visible露面,出现,显露。
△2H.VI.2.1.41:“Ay,where thou dar'st notpeep;” 嗳,就在你不敢露面的地方。
△H.VIII.1.1.68:“butI can see his pride / Peep through each part of him.”但是我可以看得出来,他身上无处不流露出骄傲的表现。
△H.VIII.1.1.182: “for from this league / Peepedharms that menaced him;”因为从这次盟约中显露出威胁着他的不利迹象。
peep through (one's) eyes: look out through eyes halfclosed,as in laughing眯缝着眼睛笑。
△Mer.1.1.52:“Some that will evermore peep through their eyes,”有些人永远是笑眯着眼。
‖ peep door观察孔
peep hole弦上瞄准孔,窥孔
peep sight弦上瞄准孔
peeper n.偷窥者