a. that... over there那边的那个。
△Ham.3.2400 (376): “Do you see yonder cloud that's almost inshape of a camel?”你看见那边的那朵云,形状有点像一头骆驼吗?
ad. over there那里,那边。
△Ado.1.3.44 (42):“I came yonder from a great supper.”我刚从那边盛大的晚餐宴席上出来。
△3H.VI.2.2.2: “Yonder's the headof that arch-enemy (i.e. York)”,(Youder: on thegate of the city,where Margaret had ordered York'shead.)那里就是那个罪魁元凶的首级。
York Place: Wolsey's mansion in Westminster,takenover at his fall by Henry VIII and enlarged intoWhitehall Palace约克官邸,原属沃尔西,他失势后为亨利八世所接收并扩建,改称白宫(现已不存)。
△H.VIll.4.1.92: “Soshe parted./And with the same full state paced backagain/To York Place,where the feast is held.”然后,她就离开了,伴随着同样盛大的排场,走回到约克官邸,在那里举行宴会。