释义 |
yoken. 1. frame of wood placed on the necks of draught ox-en; sign of servitude and slavery,sign of oppression牛轭;(象征)奴役,压迫。 △ Mac.4.3.39: “I think ourcountry sinks beneath the yoke.”我想我们的国家陷于奴役之中。 2. i.e. yoke of sufferance,condition of servitude苦难之轭,奴役状况。 △2H.VI.2.4.37:“Ah,Humphrey,canI bear this shameful yoke?”啊,亨弗雷,我能忍受这种可耻的桎梏吗? 3. pair一对。 △ Wiv. 2.1. 180 (175): “a yoke of hisdiscarded men”,他辞退的两个跟班。
yokevt. 1. yoke together (like oxen): (fig.) marry使(像牛似的)一起加上轭套;(比喻)使结婚。 △Oth.4.1.67 (66):“Think every bearded fellow that’s but yoked / Maydraw with you.”要想一想每一个有了婚姻羁绊的须眉男子都跟你一起拉套。 2. couple,join 使连结,使结合。 △H.VIII.3.2.151 (150):“And ever may your Highness yoke together,/ As Iwill lend you cause,my doing well / With my wellsaying.”但愿陛下能经常把我说的好话和我做的好事联系起来——因为我还会给陛下提供根据的。 3. bring into bondage,enslave,subdue使陷入奴役,奴役,使屈服。 △1H.VI.2.3.63: “These are his sub-stance,sinews,arms,and strength,/ With which heyoketh your rebellious necks,”这些就是他的实体、筋肉、手臂和力量,他用它们制服你们反叛的脖颈。
yokevi. 1.be joined or coupled especially in marriage,like ox-en under the yoke(特指在婚姻中像一对牛在轭下)结合,配对成双。 △3H.VI.4.1.22: “Ay,and'twere pity/Tosunder them that yoke so well together.”是呀,在一起配合这样好的一对,拆开也太可惜了。 2. couple. join. unite连接,结合,联合。 △3H.VI.4.6.49: “We’ll yoke together,like a double shadow/ ToHenry's body.”我们要联合在一起,像亨利身体的一双影子。 yoke[jəuk]n.飞机操纵杆,驾驶盘,操舵柱,轭,衣服垫肩 v.使…结合 |