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单词 in
释义 in2 /in; in/ prep (For the use of in with many n and vv, → the n and v entries, 与许多名词和动词连用的用法,请参看名词和动词各项,eg 例如 in print, in memory of, fail in an examination). 1 (of place; → at) : (指地点): the highest mountain in the world; 世界上最高的山; in Africa; 在非洲; the east of Asia; 在亚洲东部; in Denmark; 在丹麦; in the provinces; 在各省; in Kent; 在肯特郡; 》 London; 在伦敦; the village in which he was born; 他出生的那个村子; the only shop in the village; 这籽中唯一的商店; islands in the Pacific Ocean; 太平韩南岛屿; sailing in British waters, ie on the seas round Britain; 在英国近海航行; 珍 every quarter of the town; 在这城中 一航区; children playing in the street; 在街上游玩的孩子们; not a cloud in the sky; 天空中没有一片云; swimming in the lake; 在湖中游泳; standing in the corner of the room. 站在该房间曲角落里。 Cf 参较 the house at the corner; working in the fields/in coal-mines; 在田野 (煤矿) 工作; a picnic in the woods; 林中的野餐; a holiday in the country/in the mountains. 在乡间 (山间) 所疋的一个假日。 Of 参较 at the seaside; a light in the distance; 在远处曲灯; in the background/foreground; 在暗中 (在显普地方); lying in bed. 躺在床上。 Cf 参较 sitting on the bed; sitting in an armchair. 坐在有扶手的椅上。 Cf 参较 on a chair without arms; in school/church/prison; 在学校 (在敎: 堂; 在狱中); a ride in a motor-car. 乗汽车如风。 He was wounded in the leg. 他的腿部受 。The key is in the lock. 篇匙在锁中。 There were plants in the window, ie on the window-sHL framed by the window. 窗槛上有花木。 What would you do in my place, if you were situated as I am situated? 你如果处在我的地位将怎样做? 1 read about it in the newspapers. 我在报上看到有关此事的报导。 He had a stick in his hand and a cigar in his mouth. 他手上拿着一根手杖, 嘴里啣着一枝雪茄。 You will find the verse in the second chapter of Genesis. 你在创此纪第二卓会找到这一节。 2 (of direction) : (指方向): in this/that direction; 朝此 (那) 方向; in all directions. 四面八方; 各处。 3 (indicating direction of motion or activity) into: ' ( 指运动或动作的方向) 进入: He dipped his pen in the ink. 检将的笔尖浸入墨水中 cHe put his hands in his pockets. 他把手放进 藏 Cut the apple in two, into halves. 把这拓果 S 成两半。 Cut/break it in two. 把它切 (破) 成两。 Throw it in the fire. 把它丢到火中。 They fell in love. 他们在恋爱。 4 (of time when) : (指时间): in the 20th c; 在二十世纪里; in 1970; 在 1970 年; in the reign of Queen Anne; 在安女王统治时期; in spring/summer, etc; 在春季 (夏季等); in my absence; 在我不在的时间; in his youth; 在他年轻时; old age; 至晚年; still in her teens; 在她还是十几岁时; i these/those days:近来 (在'那些日 『里); in the morning/afternoon/evening. 在早晨 (下午,晚间) 。 Cf 参较 on Monday morning; in the daytime; 在白天; at ten o'clock in the night. 在晚上十点钟。 Cf 参较 m night; in (the) future; 今后 (在将来); in the past; 在蔼去; in the end, finally; 鼓后; m time of war; 在战时; in the hour of victory/death, etc. 在胜利 (死亡等) 的时刻。 He has met many famous men in his time, during his lifetime. 他一生中遇到过许多名人。 She was a famous beauty in her day, during her best years. 她年轻时是一位著名的美人。 The school was quite small in my time, when I was there. 我在那里的时候这学校还很小。 5 (of time) in the course of; within the space of: (指时间) 过 (若干时间); 在 (若干时间) 内: I shall be back in a short time/in a few days/in a week's time, etc. 我过一会员,(几 ' 天,一星期等) 回来。 Can you' finish the work in an hour? 你能在一小时内完成这工作吗? I'll be ready in a moment. 过一会儿我便准备好了。 Cf also 亦参较 in time. 6 (indicating inclusion) : (表示包含之义): seven days in a week; 一星期有七天; four quarts in a gallon; 一加仑有四夸脱; a man in his thirties, ie between 30 and 39 years of age; 一个三十多岁 (自 30 至 39 岁) 的男子; in the early thirties of this century, ie between 1930 and 1934 or 1935. 在本世纪三十年代的初期 (在 1930 与 1934 或 1935 年之间) 。 There is 10 per cent for service in the (hotel) bill. 这 (旅馆) 帐单内有百分之十的服务费。 He has nothing of the hero in him, Heroism is not among his characteristics. 他没有英雄气野。 He has in him the makings of a good soldier, has qualities, abilities, etc that will help him to become a good soldier. 他具有感为一个优秀军人的资质。 7 (indicating ratio) : (表示比率): a slope/gradient of one in five. 五分之一的斜坡 (坡度) (约合仰角 11} 度) 。 He paid his creditors 25p in the pound. 他向他的债 Ml 人按每镑廿五便士 (即原値的四分之一) 偿还 0Not one in ten of the boys could spell well. 这些男孩中拼字正确的不到十分之一。 8 (of dress, etc) : (指衣服等) 穿着; 戴着: dressed/clothed in rags; 衣衫鉴袄; the man in the top hat; 那个戴着高顶礼帽的男子; a prince in disguise; 乔装的王子; the woman in white, wearing white clothes; 那个穿白衣服的女子; in uniform; 穿着制服; in mourning; 穿着丧服; in brown shoes; K 着标色皮 8: in his shirt sleeves, not wearing a jacket or coat; 仅穿着衬衫 (未穿外套); a prisoner in irons. 戴着缭铃的囚犯。 9 (indicating physical surroundings, circumstances, etc) : (表示环境金境遇等) 在…环境下: go out in the rain; 冒雨出去; sitting in the sun (shine); 坐在阳光下; standing outside in the cold; 站在外商受寒冷; sleep in the open; 在露天睡眠; a temperature of 95。F in the shade:在荫凉处华氏 95 度的气温; lose one's way in the dark; 荏黑暗中迷了鹤; unable to work in this heat; 在适律炎热两天气姉法工作; go for a walk in the moonlight. 在月光下散步。 10 (indicating state or condition) : (表示情况或状态): in a troubled state; 在烦恼中; in good order; 整齐; 情况良好; in poor health; 健康不佳; in good repair; 情况良好; in a good humour; 心情好; in a fever of excitement; 极为兴奋; 访 despair; 在绝望中; in a rage; 在愤怒中; in tears; 在哭泣; i a hurry; 匆忙中; living in luxury; 生活奢侈; in poverty; 在贫困中; ruins; 在颓废状态中; nof in the mood for work; 没有心情工作; in debt; 负债; in love; 恋爱中; I doubt; 怀疑; in wonder; 惊奇 in public; 公开地; secret; 秘密地; in fun/jest/ joke; 玩笑地; in earnest. 认真地; 热心地。 11 (indicating form, shape, arrangement) : (表示形式,形状,排列): a novel in three parts; 分作三部份的一本小说; books packed in bundles of ten; 每十本一包南书籍; men standing about in groups; 成群地站在各处的人们; children sitting in rows; 排排坐的孩子们; wolves hunting in packs; 成群猎食的狼; words in alphabetical order; 按字母顺序机列的孚; with her hair in curls/in ringlets; 卷面着; dancing a ring; 围成一圆圈跳舞; cloth hanging in folds. 折着悬毎的布。 12 (indicating the method of in expression, the medium, means, material, etc): (表示表达的方法,媒介,工具,材料等): speaking/writing in English; 用英语说 (写); a message in code; 以密码发出的消息; written in ink/pencil; 用墨水 (铅笔) 写的; ( printed) in italic type; 以斜体 (印刷的); in two colours; 以二种颜色; 访 writing; 书写地; in a few words; 简言之; in round numbers, eg 200 000 for 197 563; 以约略数字言之 (例如以 200 000 代替 197 563); talking in a loud voice; 大声谈话; bound in leather; 皮面装订的 ■,painted in oils; 油形画的 ,carved in oak; 橡木雕刻的; cast in bronze; 靑铜簿的; a statue in marble; 大理石雕像; payment in cash/in kind. 现金 (实物) 为付。 13 (indicating degree or extent) : (表示程度或限度):访 large/small quantities; 大 (少) 量的; in great numbers; 许多; in some measure; 有几分; in part. 一部份; 有几分。 The enemy appeared in great strength. 敌人的兵力似乎很强。 all. as the total: 合计: We were fifteen in all. 我们共有十五位。 14 (indicating identity) : (表示同一人我物): You will always have a good friend in me, I shall always befriend you. 我永远是你的朋友。 We have lost a first-rate teacher in Jim, Jim, who has left us, was a first-rate teacher. 我们失去了第一流的敎师吉姆。 The enemy lost 200 in killed and wounded, 200 of them were killed or wounded. 敌人伤亡二亏名。 15 (indicating relation, reference, respect) : (表示关系,方面): in some/all respects; 在某些 (各) 方面; in every way; 各房面; inferior in physique but superior in intellect; 体格较差但智力较高; young in years but old in wis-do/n, 年纪虽画但智慧甚高; weak in the head, not intelligent; 智力低的; deficient in courage; 缺少勇气; a country rich/poor in minerals; 鑛杨幽宜 (缺乏) 的国家; blind in the left eye; 左眼失明; my equal in strength; 力量与我相等之人; ten feet in length/depth/diameter, efc, 长度 (深度,直径等) 为十呎; wanting/lacking in judgement. 缺乏判电力。 16 (indicating occupation, activity, etc) : (表示职业,活动等): He's in the army/in insurance/in the motor business/in the Cabinet/in the Air Ministry. 他在陆军 (保险业, 汽车业,内阁,空军部) 服务。 He's in politics, is a politician, 他在从政。 He was killed in action, while fighting in war. 他于作战时阵亡。 How much time do you spend in reading? 标论费多少时间阅讴? 17 (used in numerous prepositional phrases of the pattern in + n + prep, → the n entries, eg): (用于许多介词片语中, 其后跟一名词,名词后再接一介词,参看各该名词,例如): in defence 保卫; in exchange for; 交换; in justice to; 卦公平; in memory of; 纪念; in touch with. 接触。 18 in camera, (legal) in private, in the judged private room, not in open court; (colloq) secretly. (法律) 不公开审讯; 闭庭审讯; (俗) 秘密地。 in that, since, because; 由于; 因为 The higher income tax is harmful in that it may discourage people from trying to earn more. 所得税增高是有害的,因为它可能使人不愿多赚钱。 in as/so far as, in such measure as; to the extent that: 就…之限度; 至于…的程度; 就…而论: He is a Russian in so far as he was born in Russia, but he became a French citizen in 1920. 就他出生在苏俄而言,他是个俄国人, 但他在 1920 年入了法国借。 in itself. in its own nature; absolutely; considered apart from other things: 在本质上; 完全地; 就其本身言: Card playing is not harmful in itself; it is only when combined with wild gambling that it may be harmful. 玩牌本身并无害处, 但若加上狂赌,则有害处。




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