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单词 冷嘲热讽

冷嘲热讽冷讽热嘲;冷讥热嘲lěng cháo rè fěng

alternately taunt and jeer at sb; burning satire and freezing irony; cynical; deride; give sb a dig;hold sb to mockery; jeer and sneer (/gibe) at sb;mock and rave; pour ridicule on sb; biting sarcasm;sarcastic
❍ 鲁迅处在黑暗势力统治下面,没有言论自由,所以用~的杂文形式作战,鲁迅是完全正确的。(《毛泽东选集》729) Living under the rule of the dark forces and deprived of freedom of speech,Lu Xun used burning satire and freezing irony,cast in the form of essays,to do battle; and he was entirely right.
❍ 眼看好好的一个青年人被抓走啦,要丧命啦,你还幸灾乐祸,~…… (杨沫《青春之歌》198) A fine young man is arrested—his life is in danger—but all you can do is gloat and jeer.…/方宇听见管秀芬这两句~的话心里很不舒服。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—145) Guan Xiufen’s sarcastic remarks were making Fang Yu feel rather uncomfortable inside.
❍ 他们的责任不仅仅是冷讥热嘲地发表一点“不满于现状” 的杂感而已,他们应该更进一步地诚诚恳恳地去求一个积极医治 “现状”的药方。(《鲁迅选集》 Ⅲ—104) …the responsibility of intellectuals today is not just to publish a few sneering,jeering essays to express their dissatisfaction,but to go a step further and search in all sincerity for a pre scription to cure the ‘present situation’.


freezing irony and burning satire;scathing sarcasm; taunt and jeer; be sarcastic

冷嘲热讽lěnɡ cháo rè fěnɡ

冷:不热情;引申为尖刻;热:温度高,引申为辛辣。指尖刻、辛辣的嘲讽。freezing irony and burning satire, muck and rave, disparage sb. by innuendoes





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