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单词 improvise
释义 improvise /'impravaiz; 'imprs,vLir/ vt, vi [VP6A, 2A] - 1 compose music while playing, compose verse while reciting, etc: 演奏站临时作血朗诵时临时作诗; 即席作曲或诗: If an actor forgets his words, he has to ~. 如果一个演员忘记了台词, 他必须临时编作。 The pianist ~d an accompaniment to the song. 那钢琴家为那首歌作了即兴伴奏。 2 provide, make or do sth quickly, in time of need, using whatever happens to be available: (为配合需要利用任何可用材料) 临时凑成; 临时准备: ~d meal for unexpected guests; 为不速之客临时准备的一餐饭; an ~d bed, eg one made up on a couch. 临时作成的床铺 (例如在长沙发椅上所作的) 。 improvisation /.impravai'zeijn US: -vi'z-; yimpravafzejan/ n [U, C].




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