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workingn. 1.activity 活动。 △L.L.L.4.1.33: “the working of the heart”,内心的活动,良心。 2. action 行动。 △Lr.1.4.234 (212): “Might in theirworking do you that offence.”在执行中不免要冒犯你。 △ 1H.IV.1.3.108: “Never did bare and rottenpolicy Colour her working with such deadlywounds,”露骨的腐败权谋绝不会用这样致命的创伤来掩饰它的行动。 △ 2H.IV.4.5.205 (206): “By whose fell work-ing I was first advanced,”我当初靠着他们的暴力行动才登上大位。 △ 2H.IV.5.2.90: “And mock your workingsin a second body?”并且嘲弄你的代表的工作? 3. operation 作用。 △L.L.L.1.2.9: “By a familiardemonstration of the working,”通过那明显的发作的情况就会证明。 4. effort,endeavour 尝试,努力。 △ As.1.2.217 (202):“but his will hath in it a more modest working.”但是他心里想的只是更为合适的努力;他并没有你说的那样的野心。 5. struggling,exertion 挣扎,尽力。 △ 2H.IV.4.4.40:“Till that his passions,like a whale on ground,/ Confound themselves with working.”让他那暴躁脾气像一条鲸鱼上了陆地,挣扎一番也就精疲力尽,再也蹦不起来了。 6. motion or labours of the mind,mental or emotionalactivity 内心活动,感情活动。 △ 1H.VI. 5.5.84: “I feelsuch sharp dissension in my breast,/ Such fierce alar-ums both of hope and fear,/ As I am sick with work-ing of my thoughts.”我在胸中感到如此尖锐的冲突、如此猛烈的希望与忧虑的交攻,简直像是由于种种思虑的活动而要病了。 7. making,the course of being made 制作,制作过程。 △ Ham.2.1.40: “As ’twere a thing a little soiled i’the working,”仿佛当做一件在制作当中就难免稍有污损的东西。
workingp. a. operative,effective,exciting the emotions,moving 起作用的,有效的,激发人的感情的,令人感动的。 △ H. VIII. Pro. 3:“Sad,high,and working,”严肃,崇高,动人。 |