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单词 care
释义 care1 /kea (r); Ker/ n 1 [U] serious attention or thought; watchfulness; pains: 审慎的注意或思索; 小心; 用心; 谨慎: You should take more ~ over your work. 你应当对你的工作更加用心。 This is made of glass, so take ~ not to break it. 这是玻璃做的,所氏小心不要把它打破了。 Glass, with ~! eg as a warn ing when goods are sent bv rail, 玻璃, 请小心! (如书于交铁路运输之货物箱上,以为警吿者) 。 Take ~ (that) you don't get run over when you cross the street. 当你穿越街道时,小心不要被车子撞倒。 Do your work with more 你要更加小心做事。 (Used with the indef art): { 与不定冠词连用) Have a ~ (= Take ~) ,be cautious. 小心; 注意。 2 [U] protection; charge; responsibility: 保护; 照料; 管理; 责任: The child was left in its sister's ~. 这小孩留给他姐姐照料。 The library is under the ~ of Mr Grey. 图书馆由格雷先生管理。 I will leave this in your ~, leave you responsible for it. 我将把此事交由你负责。 ~ of, (often written 常写作 c/o> used in addresses before the name of the person(s) to whose house, office, etc a letter is sent. 由…南交 (书于信封等上被托请转信件人姓名之前) 。 Child C~ officer n (in GB but no longer current, now social worker) person appointed to look after children who are homeless or whose parents are neglectful, etc. 小孩保护官 (昔时英国之官员,今称社会工作人员,被指派照顾无家可归或父母疏于照料的孩童) 。 take into ~, (of such an officer) take (a child lacking proper ~) to an institution. (指上述之官员) 将 (缺乏适当照料的孩童) 送到孤儿院或敎养院。出知 ~ Of, (colloq) deal with, be responsible for. (俗) 处理; 负责疽 ~ taker n person paid to take ~ of a building during the owner's absence; (US 美 = janitor) person in charge of the upkeep of a public building such as a school or of a private building such as a block of flats. (房主不在时) 受雇替房主看管房屋之人; (公共建筑如学校或私人公寓等之) 管理员。~ - taker Government, administration thatxontinues in office until a new one is formed to take over its work. 看守政府 (在新内阁未组成前继续执行政务之内阁) 。 3 [U] worry; anxiety; troubled state of mind caused by doubt or fear: 忧虑; 焦虑; 疑虑; 疑惧; 操心; 担忧: free from ~. 无要无虑。 C~ had made him look ten years older. 忧虑已使他显得老了十岁。 '~ free adj showing no worry; cheerful. 无忧无虑的; 逍金自在的; 快乐的。 ~laden, '—worn adj showing worry; troubled. 忧心忡忡的; 操心劳碌的。 4 [C] (usu pl) cause of sorrow and anxiety: (通常用复数) 忧虑之因; 可忧虑的事: He was rich and free from of every kind. 他很富有,又无任何可忧虑之事 (He was poor and troubled by the ~s of a large family. 他贫穷又为众多的子女所累。




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