单词 | carbon |
释义 | carbon /'ka: ban; 'karban/ n 1 [U] non-metallic element (symbol C) that occurs in all living matter, in its pure form as diamonds and graphite and in an impure form in coal and charcoal. 碳 (非金属元素,化学符号 C, 存在于一切生物体内,纯碳物如钻石及石墨,不纯之碳存在于煤及木炭) 。 ' ~ black n black powder obtained by partly burning oil, wood, etc. (部份燃烧油、木材等而得之) 黑烟末。 ' ~ dating, method of dating prehistoric objects by measuring the decay of a radioactive isotope of ~. 碳鉴定法 (测量碳的放射同位素之衰变以优定史前古物之年代的方法 j。 2 [C] stick or pencil of ~ used in an electric arc-lamp. 碳精棒 (用于电弧光灯) 。 3 [U, C] (also 亦作 ' ~- paper) (sheet of) thin paper coated with coloured matter, used between sheets of writing paper for taking copies. 复写纸。 4 [C] (also 赤作 ~ copy) copy made by the use of ~-paper. 复写本; 副本。 5 di'oxide n gas (co2) produced by animal bodies and breathed out from the lungs; synthetic version of this used in eg canned beers and soft drinks, to give fizz. 二氧化碳 (动物体内所产生的气体,自肺中呼出); 合成之二氧化碳 (用于罐头啤酒及不含酒精的饮料等中,使起泡及发嘶声) 。 i ~ mon'oxide n poisonous gas (co) produced when ~ burns, present in the exhaust gas of petrol engines and after explosions in coal mines.— 氧化碳 (由碳燃烧所产生之有毒气体, 存在于用汽油的发动机所排出的废气中,及发生爆炸后的煤矿坑中) 。 ~ated /'kcubaneitid ; , karb3,netid/ adj containing ~ dioxide: 含二氧化碳的: ~ed beverages. 含二氧化碳的饮料。 ~ iferous /,ka: ba'nif9ras; /karba'nifaras/ adj (geol) producing coal: (地质) 产煤的; 产炭的: ~- iferous strata. 石炭层; 煤层。 ~ize vt [VP6A] convert into ~ by burning. 烧成碍; 碳化。 ~ /abanai'zeifn US: -m'z-; Zkarbani'zejan/ n |
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