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单词 wit


1. intellect. mind. understanding 智力,头脑,理解力。
△ Gent.1.1.69:“Made wit with musing weak.”因冥想而智力薄弱。
△L.L.L.1.2.93 (88):“He surely af-fected her for her wit.”他爱上她,准是因为她有头脑。
△ Ado.1.2.18 (17): “Hath the fellow any wit thattold you this?”向你传这个话的家伙,是不是一个有头脑的人?
△ 2H.VI.1.1.30: “such as my wit affords / Andover-joyof heart doth minister.”我的智力所能想起和我这过度欢乐的心所能表达出的。
△ 1H.VI.1.2.72:“Dauphin,I am by birth a shepherd’s daughter. / My wit un-trained in any kind of art.”太子,我的出身是一个牧羊人的女儿,我没有受过任何学问的培养。
△3H.VI.3.2.33:“Lords,give us leave.I’ll try this widow’s wit.”二位大人,请走开一些。我要测验一下这位寡妇的智力。
△3H.VI.3.2.85:“Her words doth show her wit incomparable,”她的言语表明她的智力是无与伦比的。
△R.III.3.1.50:“And those who have the wit to claim the place.”以及那些有智力能懂得要求到此地受保护的人们。
2. mental faculty. intellectual power (某种)智能,(某种)智力。
△H.V.4.7. 50 (46): “Harry Monmouth. beingin his right wits and his good judgements”.哈利·蒙穆斯,在他智力健全和判断良好时…(按: wit在作为某种“智能,智力”解释时,常用做多数,参见five wits条。)
3. one of a certain mental capacity or intellectualpower 有某种程度智力的人。
△2H.IV.2.2.40 (35): “Itshall serve among wits of no higher breeding thanthine.”对你这样教养不高、智力低下的人也还凑合。
4. reason 理性,理智。
△Shr. Ind.2.79 (77): “how wejoy to see your wit restored!”你又恢复了理智,我们多么高兴!
△Rom.3.3.121 (122): “Fie. fie. thou shamest thy shape,thy love,thy wit,”呸,呸,你辜负了你的仪表,你的爱情,你的理智。
△Rom. 3.5.73 (72): “Some griefshows much of love,/ But much of grief shows still some want of wit.”一点点悲痛表示很多的友爱,但是太多的悲痛却证明你欠缺理性(又译:聪明)。
5. good sense 明智。
△Lr.1.4.178 (162):“Thou hadstlittle wit in thy bald crown when thou gavest thy golden one away.”你把你的金冠送人的时候,你秃脑壳里准是一点脑筋也没有。
△Tw.2.3.96 (87): “Have you no wit,manners,nor honesty,”你们没有脑子,全无礼貌,不懂规矩。
6. knowledge,understanding知识,理解力。
△H.VIII.3.1.176(177):“You know I am a woman,lacking wit/ To make a seemly answer to such persons.”你们知道我是个妇道人家,对于你们这样的人物不懂得该怎样作出体面的回答。
7. good judgement 判断力。
△Oth.4.1.121 (119):“Prithee bear some charity to my wit,do not think it so unwholesome.”请你对我的判断力发点慈悲,别把它看得那么不健全。
△2H.VI.3.1.232: “And yet herein I judge mine own wit good.”但是在这件事上我认为我自己的判断不错。
△H.VIII.3.1.71 (72): “with my weak wit.” 以我这样薄弱的判断力。
8. sense,discretion感觉,审慎。
△Tw.5.1.221 (211):“with wit and safety.”i.e. having due regard for my own safety. 出于对自己安全的考虑。
9. prudence谨慎。
scrupulous wit: prudence full of scruples,hesitating wisdom充满顾忌的谨慎,犹豫不决的明智。
△3H.VI.4.7.61: “Away with scrupulous wit!”不要再犹豫不决了!
10. intelligence,wisdom聪明,智慧。
△Mer.2.1.18:“And hedged me by his wit”,用他的远见把我束缚住。
△ Com.2.2.87 (84): “hath the wit to lose his hair.”也有足够聪明把头发丢光(暗喻:染上性病而失去头发)。
△As.3.2.30 (29):“he that hath learned no wit by nature.nor art,may complain of good breeding,or comes of a very dull kindred.”靠先天秉赋或后天训练都学不会一点聪明的人,只好抱怨缺乏良好的教养,或是来自一个很蠢笨的血缘。
△As.5.1.33 (29): “Ay,sir,I have a pretty wit.”是的,先生,我还有点聪明。
△ Tw.1.3.90 (83): “Methinkssometimes I have no more wit than a Christian or anordinary man has; but I am a great eater of beef,andI believe that does harm to my wit.”我有时觉得我并不比一般基督徒和平常人聪明;但是我很能吃牛肉,我相信那对于我的聪明非常有害。(按:当时人认为牛肉吃多了,人就笨。)
△Rom.1.3.42: “Thou wilt fall backward when thou hast more wit,”等你将来更懂事了,你会仰面向后倒哩。
△Rom.1.4.48:“And we mean well in going to this mask,/ But 'tis no wit to go.”(no wit: unwise)我们去参加这个假面舞会用意很好,只怕不是一件聪明的事。
△Ham.2.2.90:“since brevity is the soul of wit,”(This has become a proverbial saying.)简洁是智慧的灵魂。
△Mac.4.2.42:“Thou speak'st with all thy wit,and yet,i'faith./ With wit enough for thee.”亏你说得用尽了小聪明,可是对你说来也真够聪明了。( 卞之琳译)
11.intelligence,ingenuity,wittiness,power of combining ideas with a pointed verbal effect才智,机灵,机智,口才。
△2H.IV.4.3.92(86):“I would you had but thewit. 'twere better than your dukedom.”我希望你能有点口才(又译:机灵劲儿),那比你的公爵地位更为可贵。
△R.III.3.1.85: “With what his valour did enrich his wit,” i.e. his military achievement,by which he enriched his wit.他以他的武功丰富了他的才智。
12. man of wit机灵的人。
△As.1.2. 60 (56): “How now,wit,whither wander you?”喂,机灵鬼,你到哪儿去?
13. cunning,cleverness 狡滑,灵巧。
△Lr.1.2.205(183):“Let me,if not by birth,have lands by wit.”既然靠出身得不到土地,我就靠巧计。
14. ingenious plan,contrivance,stratagem巧妙计划,设计,计策。
△2H.IV.1.2.235 (206):“Yea,I thank yourpretty sweet wit for it.”是呀,我感谢你想出的这条绝妙的计策。
△Tw.1.2.59 (61):“Only shape thou thy silenceto my wit.”我的计谋,你务须保守秘密。
15.❶mental capacity,intelligence智力,才智。
△2H.IV.4.3. 109 (100):“which delivered o'er to the voice,the tongue,whichis the birth,becomes excellent wit.”这些意象通过声音、舌头传达出来,产生的结果,就成为绝妙的才智(又译:绝妙的口才)。
five wits: the five mental faculties,i.e. commonsense. imagination,fantasy,estimation,and memory五种智能,指:常识,想像,幻觉,估量,记忆。
△Lr.3.4.57(58): “Bless thy five wits! Tom's a-cold.”(The cry ofLondon beggars.) 上天保佑你的五智! 汤姆好冷呀!
△Lr.3.6.60 (57):“Bless thy five wits!”上天保佑你的五智!
set wit to: match one's wit against与…较量辩才,与…赌口舌。
△Mid.3.1.141 (134): “who would set his wit to so foolish a bird?”谁愿意和这样一只蠢鸟儿斗嘴呢?
Wit,whither wilt?: wit. where are you off to? (aproverbial expression of the time to cut short a chat-terer who was talking nonsense or talking too much.)才气,你要往哪里去? (当时俗话,用以打断信口开河或说话没完的人。)
△As.4.1.173(165): “A man that had a wifewith such a wit,he might say. ‘wit,whither wilt?”一个男子娶上一个有这样才气的妻子,只好说:“才气,才气,你要往哪里去?”


vb. know知道。
to wit: that is to say,namely那就是说,即。
△H.V.1.2.50:“to wit,no female/Should be inheritrix in Salque land;”那就是说,在萨利族土地上妇女不得为继承人。


◇ a battle of wits 智力战
at wits’ end 不知所措
collect sb.’s wits 智穷计尽
kee p one’s wits about one 随机应变,警觉,保持机警
out of one’s wits 不知所措,发疯
‖ wit and humour 谐趣
wit and wisdom 才思
witty adj.机智的,风趣的





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