deignvt. 1. condescend to grant恩准,惠允。 △Mac.1.2.62(60): “Nor would we deign him burial of his men”.i.e. We refused to allow him to bury his dead sol-diers. 我们不许他收葬他阵亡的将士。 2. condescend to accept肯于接受。 △Gent.1.1.162(152): “I fear my Julia would not deign my lines,”我恐怕我的朱丽亚不肯接受我的信。 ~vb. be willing,think it fit愿意,认为…恰当。 △3H.VI4 . 7 . 38 :“For Edward will defend the town and thee╱And all those friends that deign to follow me.”爱德华会保护这座城市和你本人,以及一切愿意追随我的那些朋友们。 deign[dein]v.屈尊,承蒙…赐予 ◇without deign to do sth. =don’t deign to do sth.不屑干…,对…不屑一顾 |