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单词 degree


1. step or rung of a staircase or ladder,step (阶梯的)一级,一磴,一步。
△Oth. 2 . 1 . 241 (236): “who stands soeminent in the degree of this fortune as Cassio does?”i. e. who is so highly placed next in the line of choiceas Cassio is ?谁在命运的阶梯上比凯西奥更有享受这种艳福的优势?
△Tw . 3 . 1 . 137 (123):“That’s a degree to love.”i. e. a step towards love . 这是走向爱情的一步。
△As. 5.2 . 41 (37):“ and in these degrees have they made apair of stairs to marriage.”他们这样一步一步给结婚造成了一段梯级。
△3H . VI. 2 . 1 . 192: “No longer Earl ofMarch . but Duke of York: ╱ The next degree isEngland’s royal throne.”你现在不再是马契伯爵,而是约克公爵了;下一步就是英格兰的王位。
by degree: step by step,in stages 一步一步地。
△ 1H. VI. 3 . 1 . 191 : “As festered members rot but by degree / Till bones and flesh and sinews fall away,” 正像生着溃疡的肢体要逐步溃烂、直到骨头和筋肉脱落一样…。
2. step of progression (进行的)步骤,层次。
△As . 5 . 4 . 95(91):“I will name you the degrees.”我可以把(争吵的)各种层次说出来。
3. stage of life人生阶段。
both the degrees: i.e. both youth and age两个人生阶段,(指)青年时期和老年时期。
△2H. IV.1.2. 263 (231):“and so both the degrees prevent my curses.”所以这两个人生阶段都够受了,不用我再诅咒了
4. position in society,status,rank. grade社会地位.地位,等级,级别。
△Tw . 1 . 3 . 118 (110): “above her de-gree .” i.e . above her social position. 超出她自己的身份
△ Tw . 1 . 3 . 127 (118):“under the degree of my bet-ters.” i . e . except for a social rank higher than mine只要地位不比我高。
△Tw . 3 . 4 . 87 (77): “nor after mydegree, but ‘fellow ’!”也不按我的地位称呼我,而叫我'伙伴”!
△ Mer . 2. 9 . 41 : “O that estates. degrees,”啊,地位.等级。
△Oth. 3 . 3 . 230: “Of her own clime,com-plexion,and degree .” 和她同国家、同肤色、同等级的。
△Mac . 3 . 4 . 1 : “You know your own degrees,” i. e.You know your own ranks and hence order of seat-ing. 你们都知道自己的等级(因而知道各自的座次)。
△ 2H .Ⅳ.4 . 3 . 5: “Well then,Colevile is your name. a knight isyour degree.”好,柯尔维尔是你的名字,骑士是你的身份。
△H. V.4 . 1 . 265 (245): “What is thy soul ofadoration?/ Art thou aught else but place,degree.and form. / Creating awe and fear in other men?”对你这样崇敬,本质上又是什么? 你除了能在其他人心中造成敬畏和恐惧的地位、等级和仪式之外.别的还有什么东西?
△R.III. 1.1. 86:“That no man shall have private conference,/Of what degree soever,with your brother. ” (“Of what degree” modifies “man”.) 任何人,不论身份如何,都不得与你的这位哥哥私下谈话。
△R.III. 3 . 7.140 (141): “Icannot tell if to depart in silence,/ Or bitterly tospeak in your reproof. / Best fitteth my degree oryour condition.”我说不清究竟该沉默地走开,还是苛刻地责备你一番.才最适合我的身份或你的地位。
5. high or noble rank,dignity 高位,高贵地位,尊位。
△1H.VI.2.4. 110: “Until it wither with me to mygrave,/Or flourish to the height of my degree.”直到它要么跟我一同枯萎、死亡,要么跟我的地位高升而一同繁荣昌盛。
△1H. VI. 4.1.16: “Which I have done,becauseunworthily / Thou wast installed in that high degree.”i . e . the Order of the Garter. 我这样做了,因为你不配被授予这样的高位。
△Lr. 5.3.111(110):“any man of quali-ty or degree”,任何出身高贵、具有一定地位的人员。
6. ecclesiastical dignity教会显职。
△1H.VI. 3.1.19:“Lascivious,wanton,more than well beseems / A man of thy profession and degree.”荒淫,放荡,同一个拥有你这样职业和身居教会高位的人太不相称了。




◇ a small degree of一点点
by degrees逐渐地
degrees of comparison信用等级
in a degree稍微,有一点儿
in a great degree大部分
in a greater degree更加
in a small degree稍微
in no degree决不
take a degree获得学位
to a (certain) degree在一定程度上,在某种程度上
to the last degree非常
to the degree极度地,无穷地
‖ degree ceremony毕业典礼,大学授予学位仪式
degree certificate学位证书
degree course学位课程
degree day学位日
degree education学位教育
degree educational program学位教育计划
degree factory滥发学位的学校
degree in course正式学位
degree of accuracy精确度
degree of body lean身体前倾角度
degree of choke猎枪缩口量,缩口量
degree of clarity透明度
degree of control管制程度
degree of damage损失程度
degree of delegation授权范围
degree of dependence on import进口依赖程度
degree of difficult y动作难度,难度系数,难度
degree of liquidity清偿程度,信誉等级
degree of monopoly垄断程度
degree of resolution分辨度
degree of risk冒险程度
degree of sensibility感光度
degree review学位审查
degree system学位制
degrees of accuracy精确度
degrees of agreement吻合度
degrees of approximation近似度
degrees of association关联度
degrees of certainty确定度
degrees of corroboration确认度
degrees of comparison信用等级,信誉等级
degrees of confirmation确证度
degrees of corroboration确认度
degrees of criminality犯罪的轻重等级
degrees of crowding拥挤度
degrees of falsifiability可否认度
degrees of freedom自由度
degrees of murder谋杀罪的等级
degrees of predicate谓词的度数
degrees of prevalence of offence犯罪率
degrees of strictness严格度
degrees of unsolvability不可解度
degrees rotation旋转角





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