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单词 fetch
fetch/fet⨜/ vt

(1) (去) 拿(取,接,请)来(go and get and bring back sth or sb) [T+nT+n+prepT+n+advD+n+nD+n+prep(for)]:Go and~a doctor at once. 马上去把医生请来。Please~me for the meeting tonight. 请来接我去参加今晚的会议。F~me some butter from the shop. 请从商店里给我买些黄油回来。Shall I~you your bag for you? 我去把你的包给你拿来好吗? They~out their best wine for us. 他们为我们拿出最好的酒。F~the box in please. 请把盒子拿进来。〖同〗get,obtain,bring;

(2) 使出来;发出(叹息、呻吟等);吸入(一口气);(cause to come out;utter (a sighgroanetc);take (a breath) [T+nT+n+prep] (旧用法):~a deep breath/a groan 深深地吸一口气/发出呻吟;~tears to the eyes/a laugh from all present 使眼中流出泪水/使在场的人都笑了;

(3) 售(卖,赚)得(多少钱) (be sold (for a certain price)) [T+nD+n+n]:The work~ed him five dollars an hour. 那个工作能让他每小时赚五美元。That old car won't~a good price. 那辆旧汽车不会卖出好价钱。The old table won't~(you) much (money). 那张旧桌子(为你)卖不了多少钱。How much did the house~? 那所房子卖了多少钱? 〖同〗 bring,yield,realize,afford,cost,get;

(4) 给予打击(strike (a blow);hit) [D+n+n] (infml):~sb a blow on the nose/in the face 在某人的鼻子/脸上打一拳;

fetch and carry (for) 做杂务,当听差:He's been~ing and carrying for the children all day. 他一整天都在伺候孩子们。

fetch up (v adv) 到达,处在 (vi):We~ed up around five. 我们是在 5 点钟左右到的。

→′fetching adj 动(吸引,迷)人的;′fetchingly adv 动(吸引,迷)人地;

【辨异】 fetchbringtakecarry 的区别见 BRING。





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