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单词 surprise


n. confusion and perplexity,confounding 迷乱,搅乱。
△Wiv.5.5.132(123): “the sudden surpriseof my powers.”猛然间吓昏了头。


1. attack suddenly 突然袭击。
△L.L.L.5.2.84: “you’llbe surprised.”你们要受到突袭。
△Mac.4.1.150: “Thecastle of Macduff I will surprise,”我要袭击麦克德夫的城堡。
△Mac.4.3.204: “Your castle is surprised;yourwife,and babes,/ Savagely slaughtered.”你的城堡受到突然袭击;你的妻子和孩子都被野蛮地杀死了。
△1H.VI.2.1.63: “Had all your quarters been as safely kept / Asthat whereof I had the government,We had notbeen (i.e.would not have been) thus shamefully sur-prised.”如果你们所有的防守地段都能像我控制的地段那样安安全全地守住,我们也就不会这么可耻地遭到突然袭击。
△1H.VI.4.1.25: “Myself and divers gentlemen beside / Werethere surprised and taken prisoners.”此外,我自己和好几个将领也在那里受到突然袭击而当了俘虏。
△1H.VI.5.3.40:“And may ye both be suddenly surprised By bloodyhands in sleeping on your beds!”愿你们两个人躺在床上睡觉时都遭到血手的突然袭击!
2. capture through sudden attack,capture unawares 在突袭中俘获,冷不防地把…捕获。
△1H.IV.1.1.92: “Theprisoners / Which he in this adventure hathsurprised / To his own use he keeps,”(use: i.e.toobtain ransom) 他在突袭中抓住的俘虏,他竟然全扣留下来归他自己。
△3H.VI. 4. 2. 24: “I say not slaughter him /For I intend but only to surprise him.”我说的不是杀掉他,因为我只打算冷不防地把他捕获。
3. capture,seize,take prisoner 捕获,抓住,俘获。
△2H.VI.4.8.61(58):“I see them lay their heads to-gether to surprise me.”我看他们大家把头凑在一起是在商量抓住我。
△2H. VI.4.9.8: “Why,Buckingham,is thetraitor Cade surprised /Or is he but retired to makehim strong?”啊,白金汉,叛贼凯德可曾被拿获,再不然他已逃脱以养精蓄锐去了?
△3H.VI.4.4.8: “Either betrayedby falsehood of his guard / Or by his foe surprised atunawares;”若不是他的卫兵叛变出卖了他,就是他受到敌人冷不防偷袭才被俘获的。
4. attack suddenly,i.e.make an assault on the chasti-ty of a woman 突然袭击,(指)使(妇女)失身。
△Shr.Ind.2.57(55): “And how she was beguiled and surprised.”以及她如何被骗失身。
5. confound,bewilder 使惊慌失措,把…弄糊涂。
△Tw.1.4.25:“Surprise her with discourse of my dear faith;”把我的一片忠诚说给她听,让她吃惊。


◇in surprise惊奇地
surprise sb. into doing sth.出其不意地使某人做某事
surprise sb. with a visit出其不意地拜访某人
take by surprise使吃惊
‖ surprise air attack突袭
surprise attack奇兵突击,奇袭
surprise audit突击审计
surprise bunt突然触击
surprise fire突然射击
Surprise Inspection Book抽查记录册
surprise landing突袭登陆
surprise raid突袭
surprise stock and security check存货及保安措施抽查
Surprise Stories to Make One Slap the Desk 《拍案惊奇》/ surprising adj.惊人的
surprisal n.惊异





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