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单词 feather
feather/′feð ǝ(r)/ nv [-ing /rɪ ŋ]

n 羽毛(one of the various parts that grow from a bird's skin and form the covering of its body) [C]:the seagull's~s 海鸥的羽毛;a~mattress/bed 羽绒床垫;lighter than a~轻于鸿毛;Fines make fine birds. (prov) 佛靠金装,人靠衣装。

a feather in one's cap 荣幸(耀)的事:It was a~in your cap to be met by the President. 受到总统的接见那是你的荣幸。

in fine/full/good/high feather 身强力壮;高兴,情绪高昂:He was in extremely high~at the news of his promotion. 听到被提升的消息他感到异常高兴。

smooth one's ruffled feathers 使镇定下来:After quarreling with his wife,he took a cup of coffee to smooth his ruffled~. 和妻子吵架之后,他喝了杯咖啡来使自己镇定下来。

show the white feather 表示胆怯,示弱:The new soldiers showed the white~in their first battle. 那些新兵在第一次战斗中表现得很胆怯。

→′feathery adj 生有羽毛的;似羽毛的;′featheriness n 长着羽毛;羽毛状;′featherless adj 无羽毛的;′feather-brained adj 愚蠢的;′featherweight n 次轻量级拳击手;

v(1) 用羽毛覆盖(装饰),将羽毛插(镶)在(cover fit or decorate with feathers) [T+n]:~an arrow 给箭插羽翎;The eagle~ed its nest with down from its own breast. 鹰用自己胸部的羽绒搭窝。

(2) (划船拨水)使桨与水面平行(以减少行船阻力) (turn (an oar) so that it passes flat above the water without any resistance) [IT+n]:~the oars 将桨持平;

feather one's (own) nest 1) 安家:young people who want to~their own nest 想安家的年轻人:2) 追求私利:The President has been~ing his own nest during his presidency. 总统在任期间一直在中饱私囊。

→′feathered adj 有羽毛的,饰有羽毛的;′feathering n 羽状物





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