盗dàoⅠ ❶ (偷) steal;rob:监守自 ~ steal what is entrusted to one's care; 有人从博物馆 ~ 走了一幅画。 Someone stole a painting from the museum. ❷ (用不正当的手段谋取) usurp:欺世 ~ 名 gain a reputation to which one is not entitled by cheating the public Ⅱ (强盗) thief;robber:海 ~ pirate;sea rover; 窃国大 ~ arch usurper of state power ◆盗案 case of robbery;burglary; 盗版 piracy; 盗版软件 piracy software; 盗伐 fell trees unlawfully; 盗匪 bandits;robbers; 盗汗 {中医} night sweat;perspire during sleep; 盗劫 rob;raid; 盗卖 steal and sell; 盗名 steal glory one does not deserve;seek undeserved publicity; 盗墓 rob a tomb;rob a grave; 盗骗 steal and cheat; 盗窃 steal;pilferage; 盗取 steal;embezzle; 盗用 embezzle;usurp; 盗贼 robbers;bandits;thieves and brigands |