1. promenade,stroll 散步,闲逛。
△ H.VIII. 5. 1. 94 (93):“Come. you and I must walk a turn together; / I havenews to tell you.”来,你和我一同散散步吧;我有消息要告诉你。
2. purpose 目的。
△Gent. 3. 1. 131:“A cloak as long asthine will serve the turn?”像你这样长的袍子就可以达到目的了吧?
△ L.L.L.1.1.296 (298): “This maid will notserve your turn . sir.”这少女对你没用。(意指:不能使你免遭惩罚。)
△L. L. L. 1. 1. 296 (299):“This maid willserve my turn,sir ”这少女正合我的用。(按:语意猥亵。)
△Shr. 2. 1. 63: “She is not for your turn”,i. e. notsuitable for you. 她实在配不上你。
△Shr. 2. 1. 266(272):“for your turn”,i.e. to suit you. 正好对你合适
△Shr. 4. 2. 62:“serve the turn.” i.e. answer ourpurpose. 适合我们的目的。
△ Wiv. 5. 5. 110 (104):“Willnone but Herne the hunter serve your turn?” 难道除了假扮猎人赫恩你就没有其他办法了吗?
△As. 5. 2. 54 (48):“Why then. to-morrow I cannot serve your turn forRosalind?”难道我明天不能仍旧充作你的罗萨琳了吗?
3. deed,action行为,行动。
△ Tw. 3. 3. 15: “goodturns”,i.e.actions of kindness. 友好行为,好事。
△Oth5. 2. 205 (207):“This sight would make him do a des-perate turn,”i.e. would drive him to kill himself. 这种景象会使他干出绝望的行动。(指:自杀。)
1.turn back使转回来。
△2H. VI. 3. 2. 397:“So shouldstthou either turn my flying soul,”i. e.prevent mysoul’s escape; preserve my life. 所以,你最好把我这要飞跑的灵魂挡回来。
2. fling back,throw back扔回,抛回。
△1H.VI.2.479:“I’ll turn my part thereof into thy throat.”我要把我这一份轻蔑再扔回到你的喉咙里去。
3. turn out 把…赶走。
△Lr.4.3.45 (43 ): “ turnedher/To foreign casulties,”把她赶走,去承受异邦的风险。
4.i.e. turn on a lathe在车床上旋。
△IH.IV.3.1. 130(129):“I had rather hear a brazen canstick turned,”我宁愿听一枝铜蜡扦在车床上旋的声音。
5. change,alter,transform改变,更改,转变。
△Ham.2.2.550 (519): “Look whe’er he has not turned his col-our”,i.e.turned pale.看他脸上变色没有。
△ Oth.4.2.61 (62):“Turn thy complexion there,”改变你的脸色吧。
△ 1H.IV.5.5.4: “And wouldst thou turn our offerscontrary?”你竟然把我的建议故意改得意思相反?
△H.VIII.5.2.14(15): “God turn their hearts! I never soughttheir malice,”i.e. May God change their feelings! 但愿上帝使他们回心转意吧! 我可从来没有招引过他们的恶意。
6. turn into变成。
△Rom.2.3.21:“Virtue itself turnsvice,being misapplied,”美德误用,会变成罪恶。
7. put放置。
△H.V.1.1.45:“Turn him to any causeof policy,”无论什么政治问题一放到他的手里。
8. bring.place in a state or condition导致,使处于(某种状况)。
△As.4.3. 23 (22): “Come,come,you area fool,/And turned into the extremity of love.”i.e.brought into the most extreme degree of love. 算了,算了,你是个傻瓜,为了爱情竟然弄到这种颠三倒四的地步。
9. direct指点,指示。
△Wiv.3.4.2:“no more turn meto him,”别再叫我去找他了。
10. shape,adapt,modulate,attune使符合,使配合,调节,使协调。
△As.2.5.3:“And turn his merry note Un-to the sweet bird’s throat,”i.e. adapt or modulate hisnote to the sweet bird’s song.following its changes;sing merry trills to the sweet bird’s tune.仿照那嘹亮的鸟啭,唱一曲欢乐的歌声。
11. shove猛推。
△R.III.1.2.262(260): “But first I’llturn yon fellow in his grave,/ And then returnlamenting to my love.”但是我要先把那边那个家伙推进坟墓,然后再哭哭啼啼转回来见我的爱人。
12. bend back,blunt使弯曲,使钝。
△2H.VI.2.1.179(176): “This news,I think,hath turned yourweapon’s edge:”这个消息,我想,已经使你的武器卷刃了。
13.❶repair(by reversing the cloth)翻修。
❷turn up-side down socially使得天翻地覆。
△2H.VI.4.2.6 (4):“I tell thee,Jack Cade the clothier means to dress the commonwealth,and turn it,”我告诉你,织布匠打算把这个国家好好打扮一下,再把它翻新(双关:把它弄得天翻地覆)
1. return,come back 返回,回来。
△Oth.4.1.263(252): “Ay,you did wish that I would make herturn. ”是的,是你要我叫她回来的。
△As.3.1.6: “bringhim dead or living/ Within this twelvemonth,orturn thou no more/To seek a living in our territo-ry.”限你在十二个月以内不论死活把他捉来,否则你就不要再回到我的领土上来生活了。
△R.III. 4. 4. 184: “Either thouwilt die by God’s just ordinance/ Ere from this war thou turn a conqueror.”也许由于上帝的公正安排,不等你从这次战争中作为胜利者归来,你就要死去。
2. change,become变成,成为。
△Oth.2.3.172(170):“Are we turned Turks,and to ourselves do that/ Which heaven hath forbid the Ottomites?”难道我们变成土耳其人了? 上天不许土耳其人侵犯我们,而我们却向自己人行凶!
△L.L.L.1.2.193(184): “I shall turn sonnet.”i.e. I shall become a sonneteer.我要变成一个写十四行诗(情诗)的人了。
△Mer. 3.4. 78:“Why,shall we turn to men?”怎么,我们要变成男人吗?
3. go back on one’s own word,be inconstant or fickle食言,变心。
△Gent.2. 2. 4: “If you turn not,you will return the sooner.”只要你不变心,你就会很快回来。
4. reel,grow giddy,become dizzy眩晕,眼花缭乱,头晕目眩。
△Lr.3.2. 67: “My wits begin to turn.” (“From this point he becomes aware of the sufferings of others.”—J. Dover Wilson.)我的神志开始昏乱了。(又译:我开始晕头转向了。)
△Lr.4.6.24 (23): “Lest my brain turn,”不然我怕头一发昏。
5. ❶return返回。
❷change one’s mind,be fickle变心,反复无常。
❸lie on one’s back,have sexual intercourse仰卧在床上,进行性交。
△Oth.4.1.264 (253): “Sir,she can turn,and turn;and yet go on/And turn again;”先生,她会转过来,转过去;然后再转来转去。(按: turn一词在此有三种含意,除字面意思,还有
turn away: ❶send away,discard把…打发走,抛弃。
△2H.IV.5.5. 62 (57):“For God doth know,so shall the world perceive,/That I have turned away my former self;/So will I those that kept me company.”因为上帝知道,世人也将要看出,我已经抛弃了从前的那个我,我同样也要抛弃那些从前与我为伴的人。
❷dismiss from service辞退,解雇。
△Wiv.1.3.4: “I must turn away some of my followers.”我必须辞退我的几个部下。
❸dismiss from
one’s post;(with a play on) turn off,i.e.hang打发走,解雇;(双关)绞死。
△Tw.1.5.18 (17):“or to be turned away—is not that as good as a hanging to you?”再不然就被赶走,那对于你不是和绞死一样吗?
turn back: ❶turn the back(s) in retreat转身退却
△3H.VI.1.4.3: “And all my followers to the eager foe /Turn back and fly,like ships before the wind, Or lambs pursued by hunger-starved wolves.”我的部下,面对凶暴的敌人,都转身而逃,像是船只碰上顶头风,或者羔羊被饿狼追赶。
❷run away逃走。
△1H.IV.1.2.204(183):“I know them to be as true-bred cowards as ever turned back ;”我知道他们是见人就向后逃跑的地地道道的胆小鬼。
turn going: send...packing叫…滚蛋。
△As.3.1.18:“and turn him going.”叫他滚蛋。
turn head: (term of hunting) make a stand; turn to face the pursuer(打猎用词)站住;扭头转向追赶者。
△H.V.2. 4. 69:“Turn head,and stop pursuit;”扭过头去,打断他的追逼。
turn in the wheel: turn the spit by running in a wheel套在一个轮子上转烤肉铁叉。
△Com.3.2.152(146):“She had transformed me to a curtal and made me turn i’(= in) the wheel.”她会把我改造成一只短尾巴狗,把我套在一个轮子上转烤肉叉。
turn loose: let loose 放走,放开。
△Wiv.2.1.188(182):“I would turn her loose to him;”我可以纵容她去应付他。
turn off: ❶complete完成。
△L.L.L.5. 2. 510:“We will turn it finely off,sir;”先生,我们定把它好好完成。(双关:把它绞死。)
turn on: ❶turn the edge卷刃。
❷turn in flight转身逃跑。
△2H.IV.1.1.117: “all the rest/ Turned on themselves,like dull and heavy lead.”所有其他的人,就像无活动力的、笨重的铅条,也都卷了边儿(双关:转身逃跑)。
turn one’s girdle: give a challenge,prepare to fight转动腰带——表示挑战,准备打架。
△Ado. 5. 2. 145 (142):“Ifhe be,he knows how to turn his girdle.”如果他真生气了,他知道怎样转动他的腰带。
turn over: harass折磨。
△Ado. 5. 2. 34:“they werenever so truly turned over and over as my poor self inlove.”他们谁也没有像可怜的我这样真的为爱情所颠来倒去。 turn the edge: i.e. fail to cut 卷刃,(即)砍不动。
△2H.VI. 4. 10. 59 (56):“Steel,if thou turn the edge.or cut not out the burly-boned clown in chines of beefere thou sleep in thy sheath.”宝剑啊.要是你卷了刃,或者在你人鞘休息之前不把这个骨骼粗大的乡下佬砍成一堆排骨…。turn the key: unlock the door. open the door打开门锁,开 门。
△Lr. 2. 4. 52: “Fortune. that arrantwhore,/ Ne’er turns the key to the poor.”命运,那个十足的婊子婆,从来不给穷人开门锁。
turn the tables up: put the tables away (The tableswere then supported on trestles; when the boardswere removed from the trestles,they were thereforeturned up.)把桌面折起来。(当时的桌子可以拆卸,将桌面从支架卸下后,可置放在墙边。)
△Rom. 1. 5. 31 (27): “Morelight,you knaves,and turn the tables up. ”把蜡烛点亮后,小子们,把桌子都搬开。
turn … to: cause使遭受,给…带来。
△Wiv. 5. 5. 91(85):“If he be chaste,the flame will back descend /And turn him to no pain;”如果他是纯洁的,火焰自会退转.不会使他遭受痛苦。
turn Turk: ❶i. e. change from a Christian to an infi-del,i. e. take a turn for the worse变成土耳其人,从基督徒变成异教徒,(指)愈变愈糟。
△Ham. 3. 2. 291 (275):“ifthe rest of my fortunes turn Turk with me”,假如我此后的命运愈变愈糟。
❷abandon your faith,i. e. changeyour man-hating creed and fall in love. 变土耳其人放弃自己的信仰。(指)改变自己愤世嫉俗的信条而与人恋爱。
△Ado. 3. 4. 56 (57): “Well,an you be not turnedTurk,”哼,如果你不是改变了主意(爱上了什么人)。
turn upon: face hostilely,become hostile to,turn to-wards and assail 敌意地面对.对…敌视,转向…攻击。
△1H.IV. 2. 4. 300 (268): “Why. hear you,my mas-ters,was it for me to kill the heir-apparent? Should Iturn upon the true prince?”嗨,听我说,诸位,难道我能去杀死太子吗? 难道我应该向一位真正的王子攻击吗?
◇ at every turn 经常,总是,处处
by turns 轮流,交替
in one’s turn 轮到某人
in turn 依次
on the turn 正在转变中
out of turn 不合时宜地,不按顺序地
take a turn for the better 开始好转
take one’s turn =take turns 依次
to a turn 正好
turn a deaf ear to 对…置若罔闻
turn about 转身,向后转
turn against(使)变得对…不友好)变成和…敌对
turn and turn about 依次
turn aside 避免,避开,偏离
turn away 不让进去,不肯帮助
turn away from 对…感到厌恶
turn back 翻回到,折转,折换,折回
turn down 拒绝,调低
turn down the thumb 贬低
turn from 避开
turn in 告发,出卖,归还,攻击
turn of the screw 施加压力
turn off 避开,关掉,解雇
turn on 打开
turn on the heat 开始射击,努力完成
turn one’s back on(upon)抛弃,违背
turn one’s blind eye to 对…熟视无睹
turn one’s coat 背叛,变节
turn one’s hand to 承担,着手做
turn one’s head (brain)使某人得意忘形
turn out 关掉,结果是,证明是,驱逐
turn over 交给,移交,倾覆,悔过自新
turn over a new leaf 悔过自新
turn sb. adrift 驱逐某人,辞退某人
turn sb. in 告发某人
turn sb. on to sth.引起某人对…的兴趣
tur n tail 逃跑
turn the corner 转危为安
turn the corner 转危为安
turn the flank of 智取…,驳倒… turn the other cheek 逆来顺受
turn the tables 扭转局面,转败为胜
turn to 转向
turn to the left向左转
turn to the right 向右转
turn up 出席,到达,出现
turn up one’s nose at 对…嗤之以鼻
turn up one’s toes 死
turn up the thumb赞成,称赞
turn upside down 把…完全颠倒‖ turn a mark 绕标
turn a penny 获利
turn against the rules 转弯犯规
turn and kick with left heel 转身左蹬脚
turn and striking opponent with fist 撇身捶
turn around and striking with heel 转身蹬脚
turnaround cycle周转时间
turnaround dribble 转身运球
turn around jump shot 转身跳投
turnaround pass转身传球
turnaround plan 检修计划
turnaround play 转身打法
turnaround shot 转身投篮,转身射门
turnaround speed 周转速度
turn around the loss condition 摆脱困境
turn-around-times 周转时间
turn aside 转体
turnback judge 转折点裁判员
turnback place转折点
turn backwards 向后转体
turn body 转身
turn body-cross leg 转身十字腿
turn body throw fist 转身撇身捶
turn defeat into victory 反败为胜
turn flank 摆越转体
turn forwards 向前转体
turn head over heels翻筋斗
turn indicator 转身标志线
turn judge 弯道裁判员
turnkey construction contract 监督建筑契约
turnkey contract “交钥匙”合同
turnkey investment“交钥匙”投资
turnkey project “交钥匙”项目
turn loss into gain 转亏为盈
turn moving sideward 向侧转体
turn of capital 资金周转次数
turn of the century 世纪之交
turn of the market 市场变化
turn on securities 证券交易差价
turn one’s losses into profits and surmount one’s financial problems 扭亏解困
turn-out rate of electors 投票率
turnover analysis 流动分析
turnover and circulation of capital 资金周转与循环
turnover capital 周转资金
turnover of account receivable 应收账款周转率
turnover of books 图书周转
turnover of capital 资本周转率 turnover of capital 资金周转率
turnover of current assets 流动资产周转数(率)/ turnover of current capital 流动资金周转率
turnovcr of demand deposits among private and public deposits 公私存款中活期存款周转率
turnover of fixed assets固定资产周转率 turnover of inventory 库存周转率 turnover of investment 投资周转率
turnover of money 货币周转速度
turnover of net worth 资本净值周转率
turnover of total capital 总资本周转率
turnover of total liability 负债总额周转率
turnover of total liability and net worth 负债及资本净值总额周转率
turnover of working capital 运用资本周转率
turnover on stock exchange 股票交易所周转量
turnover period 周转期
turnover rate 补缺人数,流通量,流动率,佣金
turnover rate of capital 资金周转率,货币资本周转率
turnover rate of current capital 流动资金周转率
turnover rate of standard current fund 定额流动资金周转率
turnover rate on total resources employed 总资本周转率
turnover ratio of capital 资金周转率
turnover ratio of loan 贷款周转率
turnover ratio of working capital 流动资金周转率
turnover stock 周转股票
turnover tax营业税,交易税
turnover tax system 流通税系
turn over the wrists 翻腕
turnover ratio周转率
turnover tax 周转税,营业税
turnover total capital 资本总额周转率
turnover working capital 运用资本周转率,轮流
turn reverse 回转
turn shot 转身投篮
turn somersault 翻筋斗
turn target 转向靶
turn the tide 反败为胜
turn the wrist 转腕
turn to right 右转法
turn traitor 叛变
turn umpire 转弯检查员
turns at hat 上场击球次数
turning a curve 转弯
turning action 转弯动作
turning action 转弯动作
turning and kicking with heel 回身蹬脚
turning combat盘旋战斗
turning jump 转体跳
turning leap 转体跳
turning mark 转弯标志
turning over of the wrists 翻腕
turning point 转折点
turning point judge 转弯处检查裁判员
turning race 往返比赛
turning the appropriations into loans 拨改贷
turning to left左转法
turning track 竞走用跑道
turning white hot 白热化
turning with the ball 突向控球
turning zone 商业周期转折期
turn-about n. 转 变
turnaround[ˈtə:nəˌraund]n. 回车场,转变,转向,(经济,营业等的)突然好转
turn-coat n.叛徒
turner n. 体操选手,旋转
turning n. 拐角,转折点
turnkey n. 包揽承建
turnout n.出席者,产量,投票率
turnover[ˈtə:nˌəuvə]n. 流通量,营业额,周转(率)/ turn-up n.未预料到的事情