释义 |
世态炎凉shì tài yán liángwarmth and coldness is the way of the world—people are friendly or unfriendly,depending on whether one is successful or not; fickleness (/inconsistency) of human relation ships; the vicissitudes of life ❍ 他终于对官场上的~感到厌倦。Finally he was sick of the inconstancy of human relationships in the official circles. ❍ 当神魔小说盛行时,记人事者也突起,其取材犹宋市人小说之“银字儿”,大率为离合悲欢及发迹变态之事,间杂因果报应,而不甚言灵怪,又缘描摹世态,见其炎凉,故或亦谓之“世情书”也。(鲁迅《中国小说史略》151) During the heyday of romances about gods and demons,novels about the affairs of men began to be written. These had the same themes as the Yin Zier type of Song dynasty stories: the joys and sorrows of human life,sepa rations and encounters or sudden changes in fortune.Though the concept of divine retribution runs through a number of these works,since there is less stress on the supernatural than on the ways of the world and the vicissitudes of life,these books have been de scribed as novels of manners. 世态炎凉snobbish ways of the world;warmth or coldness is the way of the world;people are friendly or unfriendly,depending on whether one is successful or not 世态炎凉shì tài yán liánɡ世态:指社会上的人情世故;炎:热,这里指亲热;凉:这里指冷漠、冷淡。形容对得势的人巴结亲热,对失势的人冷淡疏远。inconstancy of human relationships, fickleness of human friendships |